Stranded deep do shipwrecks respawn
It's funny then. Click the Right mouse button to pick them. If the player is seen going near the boar, it will attempt to flee. Always save when on the island in an open sandy area. You open that door, and see another. The little trees and palm trees don't respawn and some of the trees are basically cosmetic and only provide some shade. Giant crabs never go into water, which can be used to the player's advantage. Also a 1x1 red shipping container above water, on shore. . They never respawn so just keep them as friends lol. it was about 2 major updates ago. You will only get leaf from a Young Palm Tree. The Pipi Plant is a plant in Stranded Deep that spawns in small numbers on the various islands. The game revolves around a survivor who becomes stranded somewhere in the Pacific Nov 25, 2020 · There probably is some algorithm for "after xx hours after killing the local/patrolling shark, one will come in from the deep ocean or respawn"; but I have no idea what that calculation is; or how it's determined. You can find a Great White swimming in deep waters, and also in the Barren or Deep Sea biomes. Whenever it spawns in it decides what angle the ship is in and fills it with loot. Tiger Sharks aren't usually very aggressive and will like to circle and hang out near the Will give you a ground-level foundation. This is where the Stranded Deep Trainer comes in. pibbotso Jan 26, 2015 @ 10:17pm. You may have also noticed a reef shark (doesn't May 10, 2020 · i would like to inform you i was wrong about the trees the Sappling plant's doesn't become trees but they do give sticks when they regrowTags:Stranded Dee Jan 15, 2024 · As I was scrolling across Stranded Deep's Reddit, I stumbled upon a post by Bakwudzbutcher, who mentioned their birthday happened to have one of the best resource-filled starting islands. I didnt think so either. Originally posted by frillen: Hi, So I'm getting conflicting information in my searches. Thus, coconuts do not respawn in Stranded Deep. Dec 14, 2018 · The rafts do float away now. Oct 1, 2017 · Half submerged shipwrecks also offer good protection while fighting a shark and offering you opportunity to breath when needed. They can be found on most shipwrecks. Currently, their only use is for crafting a tyre raft base. Jan 6, 2019 · Only thing that respawns for me are yucca and small palms plants. is a first person, open world survival video game, developed and published by Australian developer BEAM Team Games for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X and announced for Linux, but the Linux version has yet to be released as of 2018. Hammerhead and Goblin - Both are twitchy and will suddenly change direction. dump. By: frillen. Plenty of wrecks spawn without. #1. Go about waist deep on water (watch for purple spiky things) when a giant crab or boar is chasing you. Naturally, this iconic aquatic creature had to be included in a game about being stranded in the Pacific Ocean. So far as I know, the number of sharks is per island, and they all eventually respawn. The Trainer does not directly mod the game, but instead modifies the savefile. thomlovessue Apr 24, 2020 @ 6:31am. With that being said, Palm Trees do not re-spawn in Stranded Deep. 39 EXP build. . 5 to stop a great white [or 4 spear hits and 4 Survivor Remains are a discoverable structure in Stranded Deep. Food rations are the best food item in the game, which restores around 3 hunger and thirst bars, depending on your cooking level. 38 stable and 20% in the 0. I wish the crabs would respawn. Mountainous islands don’t often have stone deposits but the flatter islands have anywhere from 1-3, which yield 6 rocks each. Additionally, there will always be a skeleton which signifies that there was once a survivor there. Fibrous Leaves are found by cutting down either Young Palm Trees or Yucca Plants. The giant crab is a bigger and an aggressive version of the regular crab. It's used to make Antidote, for when you inevitably get poisoned by a snake you barely noticed, and to craft Shark repellent, to keep away sharks while you explore the waves. you can build a 1 foundation, 3 half walls, 1 door arch, 1 door, to make a roof you use the floor sections. Spawn Items: Added dead Tiger Shark. There are also sharks that follow from the sea and leave once you land. The Great white - moves slow but takes more spears. In many cases, they are Hey, i know potato plants and the Yucca plant regrow but do trees, loot respawn too? Accedi Negozio Pagina principale Elenco scoperte Lista dei desideri Negozio dei punti Notizie Statistiche Jul 3, 2015 · Around the island are more shipwrecks containing things such as antibiotics and axes. If you want rocks to "respawn" you have to go to the world editor and replace the island. ] Go download some player islands to get your shipwreck fix. Sharks are removed from the generation and will not spawn. The sub-reddit for Stranded Deep Console edition! Put tips, ask for help and guidance or post some general stuff relating to the game. Jojo Feb 3, 2015 @ 4:31pm. However, it didn’t take me long to exhaust the available rocks on my starter island, so I was left wondering if I’ll see them respawn. Oct 18, 2023 · Rocks are essential the moment you crash land in Stranded Deep. Has a lot of fibrous leaves, 3 Yucca, A LOT of trees, 3 potatoes, 3 rock piles, 3 kura trees, 2 pipi plants, 2 aloe, 2 ajuga. Pin whichever set you are going after and dive in. Go to an island without the snake. Can be skinned using a refined knife. benzhead Aug 20, 2020 @ 11:21pm. The longer answer is yes, but not quickly. I'm sure you've noticed a change in mood music when a shark is absolutely nearby. #9. Maybe because that was custom island but I doubt it. Went to third island for harvesting material and raiding a few shipwrecks seen from Island 2. The boar is a fast passive creature. When you've finally peeled the onion all the way, there's like five nested buckets in there Pick Up Loose Rocks. com] normal islands ( I choose random if I remember ) should have coconuts regrowing, but not re-grow on custom islands. May 18, 2021 · Published May 18, 2021. Great game but this very irritating. Aug 20, 2020 · Charlie1992 June 30, 2023, 2:35pm 16. The player can kill and skin the hog using a refined knife The following lists all explorable locations in Stranded Deep: Day 18/9:45 minuets game play. The ones that say certain things don't respawn also say that Boars, Snakes and Crabs don't respawn but I know for a fact that they do. Have fun! Yes Rocks sticks etc, dont respawn. They are the ones most likely to attack and drag you. and snakes. Less chance of a rock beaming in. Well, they appear to respawn whole ships. Crabs will turn around and you can run up behind it and stab the mess out of them. Jan 7, 2019 · Yuccas produce 6 fibrous leaves each. Originally posted by TheDough: For water, use fibrous leaves from Yucca and Young Palms, which do respawn. If your problem is just no stones for your raft then you can build a raft without an anchor until you get to another island. Three of them can also be found in the Life Raft storage. Same thing with the shelters they will also aluto spawn crates and some loot items. They respawn 7 days after getting killed. Shipwrecks generate in one of three ways: upright, keeled sideways or upside-down. They do respawn, but only after 8 or more days, not exactly sure #1. Has a Cargo ship and lots of other shipwrecks give you 20+ container crates, more than enough buoys, barrels, tyres to make a 3x3 raft or bigger if you want. I have two potato plants that I only picked once and it's been 93 days for me. Shows the log in the console for the Players begin to travel to different islands just to get more palm logs and continue crafting. It will charge into the player whenever it sees them. They are also located around buoys, where you can often spot them idly swimming. I ended up on an island that I had killed one shark on. #3. There will be some shipwrecks That dont have anything and some other's might have a bunch :D Edit: You cant break the rocks for rock shards anymore. Useful if you can't build where you're standing, or you want to build on a shipwreck. Aug 21, 2020 · M4S0N13 Aug 20, 2020 @ 10:56pm. Sticks do if you leave for a small amount of time and return. Expert Tip: Do not waste the loose rocks that you pick up. Spawn/Inventory: Added images for all inventory items on the "Add" dialog. Finally Normally rocks do not respawn, so if you go long enough you will die due to the loss of tools. Also a couple code changes to speed things up. One facing the other with a depth difference of about 15 meters. This issue appears to be unique to custom islands. Passive Animals. Pretty sure that shipwrecks disappear like ~30 minutes after they are looted and never spawn anything after they originally spawn. In the early game, this is pretty much a death sentence unless you can stay hydrated and otherwise healthy for three in-game days. Yucca cuttings (fruit) spawn 1 per plant and do not respawn, so cultivated yuccas are finite but grow infinitely when cared for. Luckily, it always appears near every island on the eastern side. They cannot be crafted and can only be found in container crates or lockers, which are Sep 20, 2023 · Coconuts are a scarce resource, but an excellent one in the early game. do shipwrecks spawn in the deeper water? is it worth taking my Nautilus, aka my raft, out into the deeps and exploring underwater? There will be dangerous sharks near any underwater shipwreck or POI Rafts- craft your own raft asap. You can essentially go on forever. But I think a good span of waiting numerous days wouldn't be terrible for gameplay. 3. Dec 22, 2019 · supposedly minable clay/rock nodes have a 25% chance of respawning but it was never detailed how nor have I ever seen it. It can be found on every non-starting island on land. If you feel you need more, you can cultivate yuccas by planting yucca cuttings (or fruit) in your farm plots. Poisoned 3 times in water diving the shipwrecks. Images for spawn-only items will be added as I get a chance. Having a list of the renewable resources could certainly be handy. The number in the bottom left corner Apr 29, 2020 · Animals behave naturally set to the standard difficulty. So a little update: after killing the new one (shark 5), i saved and moved back and there was again a new one, as I said before. Boars do respawn, but the chance of it is quit low, which is 10% in the 0. They never respawn once you open them for the first time. Another None of these animals are difficult to kill once you figure it out. Go to a Shipwreck. Dec 10, 2019 · If you place a ship on your map it will auto spawn the crates. See the sidebar for rules, info… May 6, 2021 · 2 Great White Shark. The hog is a stronger and aggressive alternative of the boar. Oct 7, 2022 · what respawns stranded deep these tips and tricks inside stranded deep will help beginner console and pc players alike. it does respawn, but its pure RNG, not only theres only a 25% chance, it reset even if you save and quit, so if by chance, first be on an island that spawned 1 back, 2 be lucky If you're planning to explore shipwrecks and a shark shows up, just do this and you have plenty of free time to explore before the game spawns another one (usually a day or two later). Sharks and Snakes will not attack. do shipwrecks spawn in the deeper water? is it worth taking my Nautilus, aka my raft, out into the deeps and exploring underwater? Most items and mats wont. #2. The hog runs a little bit slower than the player, meaning it is possible to outrun it. About. Workarounds: Unfort…. During a fight it can: Inflict bleeding Jump out of water and hit the player Drag the player around Charge In this Stranded Deep tutorial we are looking to earn our second trophy by hunting "The Great Abaia" which is a giant eel. It can only be found in a special boss area. g. I have read a few posts but haven't found one specific to loot respawning or not. As far as i know, sparks spawn at custom islands along with the usual biome stuff. Whale sharks (the big ones with spots) - they eat plankton and won't attack you but some people say it will tip your raft. freya. The starter life raft can be flipped over by sharks at any given time while exploring. #6. Once harvested, it will drop 6 fibrous leaves, and a Yucca Fruit will be visible. Bosses will still be generated. Maybe even an in-game month or something. help (command) Explains a command to the player. Even if palm trees and coconuts didnt respawn for 20 in-game days, that would be cool. Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Saving is still pretty handy during multiplayer for a couple reasons! One, if both of you die at about the same time then you can't revive each other since you're both dead. It has tools to help you out with some of the game's quirks and even has a few cheats packed in for when you want to toy around more than survive. Boars respawn 7 days after getting killed. One has a dome-shaping hut appearance, that always has a single Buoy Ball. If this happens at sea (or anywhere else, it's just more annoying at sea), then when you the host respawn at your tent automatically your friend will respawn next to you in Needs more investigation. It's a very important plant that you'll need to find. Instead you will have to build a raft consisting of several "layers". Jan 26, 2015 · You will have shipwrecks there appear and disappear, but you also may spawn inside a rock. Take a closer look at your crafting menu, especially the head line! Nov 2, 2020 · C osmo and F red. A tyre pile can be broken into 3 separate tyres with any harvesting tool, the amount of hits needed depends on the tool and harvesting level. I've documented about 1300 wrecks and only about half have loot. To find Young Palm Trees, look for plants that stick out Islands tend to have 12-14 rocks on the ground to find and pick up. On rarer occasions, they generate above sea level nearby the water, in beaches, snowy beaches or inside an iceberg,[1] underwater ruin, monument or ravine. Below are the patch notes for fixes included as well as a note on a known issue. fandom. Bosses will still attack. In the 0. items stay indefinately. LadstonFelisGaming May 31, 2017 @ 1:10pm. Any help would be appreciated. Apr 3, 2024 · Tip 7: Seek Knowledge and Connect with the Community. The bigger and stronger alternative is the Hog, which can be considered to be a parent of the Boar. These are essential for survival when you don’t have access to farms and more advanced structures. The crate's Sometimes spawn on certain shipwrecks and do on others. YesteR Ⓣ Jan 26, 2015 @ 6:00am. Spawns a log on the desktop. Small palm trees are only one each. sharks, crabs, snakes, fruits, coconuts and etc) don't respawn except potato, small fish, stingray, birds and bats. It can be found on any big island. The Giant Crab is a land creature in Stranded Deep. Dont bother harvesting palm saplings for fibrous leaves, just harvest yucca. However, the yucca fruit will not respawn. Wrecks close to shore I leave and return to later if there's a shark or take the chance if I can do it quickly. Snakes, starfish, and Lionfish will all poison the player. yeah the animal will stay there forever and wont rot if its unskinned, however if you have already skinned it and the meat is left around it will spoil if you dont smoke or eat the meat soon enough. Refined Spear. Hm, strange. Yucca trees take around 1-3 in-game days to regrow after being harvested. I really hope they respawn because they provide a source of water that doesn't require sticks. Rocks are also a valuable mineral that cannot re-spawn, so better use that wisely. fluxtorrent Jan 19, 2016 @ 1:10pm. It was first released on January 23, 2015, as an early access title for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X and July 17, 2018, on Linux. Use crude axes until they are down to 1%, then upgrade them to refined axes. In the game created islands there are up to 4 tiger sharks around each island and they respawn within 24 hours after being killed. I have been hit many times but not flipped in my crafted raft. A Screenshot of Stranded Deep. Have fun! Oct 20, 2023 · In this article, we're diving deep into the world of Stranded Deep to answer a burning question: Do Giant Crabs Respawn In Stranded Deep? Get ready to explore The Great Abaia, also known as Giant Moray eel, is one of the three bosses in Stranded Deep. 3 in the giant boar. Stranded Deep follows the story of a plane crash survivor Jan 12, 2023 · Clay in Stranded Deep is only found underwater and can only be mined with a Refined Pick. On my starter Island I harvested all rocks. Tyres are the only raft base The Juice Nov 7, 2016 @ 6:22am. However, Yucca Plants drop more Fibrous Leaves. sharks are not supposed to respawn. You’ll need them for all your basic tools, and more. Pee Pee fruit has yet to respawn on three different islands. In The Forest, trees respawn the next in-game day, if the tree stump is not chopped down. Respawning offers a chance to start anew and learn from past mistakes. they don't but hopefully will at some point! As it is now, they don't. The only ones that respawn in the wild are yucca, the young palms, seagulls, and fish, to the best of my knowledge. They know about this issue. Tiger sharks can be identified by their dull gray coloration, along with their distinctive stripes that run down the length of their body. Particularly I'm interested in the fruit as the rest I believe I know already. Players can plant this yucca fruit in a farming plot to grow more yucca trees. The raft building mechanics have been changed, you no longer simply put a foundation on the water. A crafted raft cannot be flipped by sharks as far as I know. Reply. I really hope loot does respawn so everyone and can keep getting loot off of ships. There are 2 categories of sharks: Passive sharks Blacktip Reef Shark (PC) Grey Nurse Shark (Consoles) Whale Shark Marlin Aggressive sharks Blacktip Reef Shark (Consoles) Tiger Shark Hammerhead Tyres are a material in Stranded Deep. Mar 5, 2018 · Yes it is, they still respawn I and others have proved this wrong several times :) 21 sharks killed in the same spot in 2 days, this is crazy *lol*. It can be found in any container crate or locker. Palm trees don’t respawn. I have a decent garden using the steel so never have to water them because the rain does well on it's own. Originally posted by Cosmo: The submerged wrecks have been removed temporarily, the beached wrecks tend to be random, I have found 2-3 on the larger islands but I don't know whether that is set to increase or not So they find one of these coconuts that they missed at first and think they respawned. Coconuts do not respawn. Unfortunately, no, rocks do not respawn in Stranded Deep. 1 to kill snake. Please note, sharks do not currently respawn in game. It is the strongest non-aquatic animal in the game. Since Mar 12, 2023 · Here’s how to craft shark repellent in Stranded Deep : Create an empty coconut flask with one coconut and one lashing. Potatoes can only be picked once in the wild. Keeping unskinned dead animals around is a great way to maintain an The Tiger Shark is an aquatic creature in Stranded Deep. you can store things in here. If you fill your inventory with creates, sail to an island, and drop all your crates on the beach, you've basically just increased your inventory space by x3. Rocks- rocks do not respawn. 39 EXP, all plants, except coconut and yucca, are farmable. Removed Animals. Feb 12, 2020 · Use planks (that you find in loot, not crafted ones), metal, and clay bricks for building. Tyre is the outer part of a wheel that can be used as a part for making a raft base. If you run out, you will have to travel to a neighboring island to get Jan 10, 2022 · Update 2083 will start rolling out on Xbox and PlayStation from approximately 8am PST / 4pm GMT today (2022/01/10). Shipwrecks generate in all ocean biomes rarely. Jan 31, 2017 · So I'm curious does loot respawn in experimental and stable or not. Yes look for bubbles & swim around the islands, some are quite deep. The type of shark that can be found depends on the location being explored. dev. The Great Abaia is a giant eel, which represents an excessively aggressive giant moray - real moray eels are mostly friendly and do not attack humans. So I didn't have to replant them but planted a few more of them since I had them. 10. elda21 May 12, 2018 @ 11:51am. parasiteve. w-I-z-DO-m (Banned) Dec 21, 2019 @ 11:10pm. You find the giant eel in a specia May 6, 2021 · Stranded Deep Yucca Plant. Ygs Mar 9, 2018 @ 3:14pm. Barrels are usually stacked on the Deck or inside the Ship. GAD Feb 22, 2017 @ 5:23am. Aug 27, 2016 · After being alive for quite a while, I decided to check my old shipwrecks to see if new loot spawned in them. Usually the shelters will spawn one or more of these items in additions to the crates: lashing, crude axe, refined spear, sticks. Looked at the save file and made the previous post. Young Palm Trees take one hit with the stone tool, whilst Yucca Plants take four. I know this is about animal respawning, but I wish the young palm plants would respawn faster or there would be more of them at a time #3. learn what will respawn as well as wh Yucca Trees are a type of plant. Oct 8, 2020 · NukeAJS Oct 8, 2020 @ 6:40pm. I opened the hatch went in looted everyting and then I wanted to get out but I cant there is nothing for me to help myself climb out of the ship. Consult guides, watch tutorials, and engage with the Stranded Deep community to gain valuable insights and learn from the experiences of others. 4 to kill tiger/goblin shark. Prometheus_Unbound Jan 24, 2015 @ 4:55pm. Tip 8: Stay Persistent and Never Give Up. these items will be laying outside of the crates in the shelter. no. They're still useful as a way to increase your storage space though. Soon, you’ll run out of the need for coconuts. However I was gone longer then normal and came home and they are all dead. i usually make like a row of these & try to build the foundations from scrap planks or scrap steel to make the items more visable. So, when you go to open a locker, you see another locker door. There are a variety of different animals that will poison you in Stranded Deep. Last edited by fluxtorrent ; Jan 19, 2016 @ 1:11pm. It's not like that would be OP and people would wait around solely for their own trees to respawn. Mar 20, 2022 · So I guess that answers my question. Put one Pipi plant into another coconut flask to get the antidote. A shipwreck is a structure found in oceanic biomes resembling a sunken sailing ship. Nov 3, 2023 · 3 Keep Your Eyes Open For Poisonous Animals. 666: Large islands, good shipwrecks. An example today was a pair of the large 2 deck fishing boat. There are about 9 types of these structures at the time of writing. [Note: Coconuts do NOT respawn and you will need as many as you can unscathed on your home island for crafting coconut drinks later on. Pipi, aloe, potatoes, fruit, coconuts,small trees and big palms do not respawn. Plot [ edit ] Stranded Deep takes place in the Pacific Ocean, where a plane crash survivor finds themselves faced with some of the most life-threatening scenarios Jan 8, 2023 · Brings up the complete command list for the game. It also does significantly more damage and is tougher. If not, find it in the large menu. lol. May 31, 2017 · Unless they changed something since 0. i believe the snakes are the same as the pigs, there are 2. To the east of these is an island; behind that are three more visible sea forts. Moved to a better second island and started building a base. The short answer is yes. Say, to a wreck and back. In my previous game, I chose an island for home which had all the animals on it, but never got round to note when Feb 3, 2019 · Ah found it, according to this wiki [stranded-deep. I'm intersted in what respawns and what doesn't. Hit them with the axe, try the hard k first to see if it pops up in quick menu. you can also put Stranded Deep is an open-world survival game developed by Australian-based independent game development studio BEAM Team Games. 24, sharks do not respawn after being killed on custom islands. Adapt + Learn = Survive. Leave the boars, they can't hurt you and give you a little company on a lonely island. At least I haven't seen them respawning in about 30 days in game playtime. It falls into the shark category and it can be found anywhere in the ocean, most commonly shallow waters. They can be found on any big island. It does not appear to be a glitch as I've found side by side wrecks one with nothing the other full. To get barrels - which you need three - or tires - you need two - out of deep wrecks, take the lashings needed and the hammer, plus axe. Multiple layers of ships at the exact same position. M4S0N13 Aug 21, 2020 @ 12:04am. The update may take some time to roll out across all regions, so don’t worry if you don’t see it right away. log. You can always obtain Palm Tree saplings and plant a bunch of them. Others, like pipi, aloe, and other "plantables" only respawn in farms - not in the wild. Both respawn after about 48* hours. Stranded Deep is a survival video game developed and published by Australian studio Beam Team Games for Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and Linux. #7. Feb 15, 2020 · all the boars respawn after time passes little one,s and big oneand so does the king crabs. They do not respawn…the hack for getting a new 100% axe via the plank station still works as well…. Community for the Stranded Deep survival game developed by Beam Team. Could probably get a better idea of how the spawning works in more detail if you go into the island editor. They can be found in any part of the ocean - both shallow and deep. The player can kill and skin the boar using a refined knife. Once you have found them, use your Axe to unpack the barrels. Things like Aloe, Quwawa fruit (and the other one you need for sharks Jan 15, 2023 · Here are the steps you need to follow to get your hands on some barrels. Perhaps the simplest way to get Stone Deposits in Stranded Deep is by picking up loose rocks off of the ground. It would be nice if more things did respawn, especially for those of us players that are not interested in the end-game. Shipwrecks on land I spawn on an island and there was a ship wreck on the island not underwater. Rations (also known as Food Rations) are a food item in Stranded Deep. But you can add various shipwrecks, fruits, potatoes, set the number of loose sticks and rocks etc, add wildlife. They can be interacted with, and always have at least one Wood Container within. You must explore the Ship’s interior and exterior to find them. It is the debut video game for the company. TBH I've never stayed on an island long enough to find out! #2. oh i do hope so now to make the weapons to deal with them without having to get up close and get hurt. Use a compass and go north, pass the island directly in the path and there are three sea forts behind it. There are other tips but I dont want to do a wall of text. Issue Summary: If a player creates a custom island sharks may not spawn around that island. Sharks are a major fauna type encountered in Stranded Deep. T731 Feb 10, 2017 @ 10:42am. I usually carry bandages, an axe and some range weapons (spears or speargun). DAY 1 Eat the meat from the night before since any meat will not spoil until 48 hrs after the moment it has been skinned, and drink from a coconut or two. view. LadstonFelisGaming Jan 6, 2019 @ 7:36pm. This is by far the easiest way to get more rocks if you’re just starting out. 28K subscribers in the strandeddeep community. kmbarnes1966 May 12, 2018 @ 7:47am. make sure you anchor them or drag them onto the beach. So if you chose the removed setting there should not be any sharks at all. If I wait for rain (which is never an The Hog is a land animal in Stranded Deep. Upon verifying the information in-game, I discovered the starting island has a decent size, along with a couple of shipwrecks nearby, allowing you to easily Feb 10, 2017 · actaully, a while back in the patch notes it said that sharks DO respawn. If you have your compass, you can use it to point you in the right direction, or you can just swim around the island until you find a big brown rock called a Clay Deposit. Jan 19, 2016 · Sometimes they don't spawn, so I need to go back to the editor and mess with map height or adjust the spawn height. #5. If you've explored all of the islands and are running out of resources, first Aug 24, 2019 · However I don't know if the game spawn sharks on custom islands around placed shipwrecks. I still want to experiment more with sharks, but I'm to busy doing terrain at the moment. 3 Yucca trees will spawn on an island, giving each island a minimum of 18 fibrous The Boar is a land animal in Stranded Deep. You can make structures such as water stills and meat smokers with them. Sharks, boar, crabs, snakes, and coconuts do not respawn. Dec 2, 2017 · Resources that provide you food (e. When you build a custom island you don't place anything in the underwater world like plants, rock formations, fishes, whatsoever. Apr 24, 2020 · Snifferdog Apr 24, 2020 @ 3:00am. Boots In Puss Jan 25, 2015 @ 11:33am. cs ig so fx bo cq sn mi eo vf