Pic32 external interrupt example

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


Anthony Gallo Image

It alters the regular flow of the program execution by enabling the CPU to make a jump to execute instruction routines in some pre-defined location based on the Jan 8, 2019 · The DMA module requires the actual physical address of the memory used, so we need to translate the pic32's virtual memory address into a physical address, which is what virt_to_phys() does. An interrupt or a trap source must have a priority level greater than the current CPU priority to initiate an exception process. How can I prevent this step? Can anyboody help me please??? . Nov 10, 2023 · There are two types of interrupts found in PIC32 devices: persistent and non-persistent. :Tera term) on the computer. Using interrupt-on-change, one would have to wake up on both events. The address is calculated by using EBASE and VS (INTCTL <9:5>) values. ARM (32-bit) This example demonstrates read and write over UART using the ring buffer mode. RB12=1; //RB12, pin23 is an input. I am very new to PIC32 chips (or any PIC chips) and I am trying to create an interrupts handler for the UART to be called when the UART receive a byte. Code Example - Interrupt Usage. Let it be A8 pin for example! ( The LED Pin) Step4: Click On The Pin You Want To Configure As An External Interrupt Input. #include <pic. The Interrupt Controller module exists external to the CPU Execution Unit and prioritizes the interrupt events before presenting them Dec 5, 2010 · Interrupts, as the name suggests interrupts the normal execution and Requests and urgent attention of CPU. After the execution of the interrupt function, the operating system continues to run the main function from the place it stopped before the interrupt has occurred. Persistent interrupts will remain active and the associated interrupt flag set until the issue causing the interrupt is serviced. Below is a snippet of my pseudocode. Configures Timer1 to operate in IDLE mode, places CPU in IDLE mode and uses Timer1 interrupt to exit the IDLE mode. “IRQ” shows the external interrupt number for this pin. MVEC = 1; The timer 2 interrupts have four important bits associated with them: Timer 2 Interrupt Enable (T2IE) Timer 2 Interrupt Flag (T2IF) ARM (32-bit) 8th Generation. T1CONbits. Their connections with PIC18F4550 are shown in the circuit diagram tab. I have attached some snaps regarding projects that I have made Please Check them. Jul 8, 2022 · Usually we enable it when we work with buttons but according to the EK-RA2A1 User’s Manual (Figure 5) there is external pull-up resistor R3, so in this current case we don’t need to enable it. Here's my ISR: Interrupt code is the name given to any code that executes as a result of an interrupt occurring, including functions called from the ISR and library code. Each vector can have up to 8 different preemption priority levels. Interrupt code completes at the point where the corresponding return from interrupt instruction is executed. Building the Interrupt Code. Step3: Click On The Pin You Want To Configure As An Output & Select Output Option. One way is to use an external 8-input gate (such as the 74LS30 in the old days) to combine the external signals onto one interrupt pin. It will also keep you out of trouble by highlighting incompatible configurations. Connect to the “USB to UART” COM port and configure the serial settings as follows: Baud : 115200. Here is a simple example of handling the interrupts from TMR0 (if no other interrupts are allowed): void interrupt() { counter++; TMR0 = 96; INTCON = 0x20; } The ADC module can generate an interrupt upon the completion of an ADC conversion. Fusion for Kinetis v8 over USB-C. This requires an understanding of the concept of CPU priority. We look at how to configure the chip for debugging and get a simple blinking LED example running. The output at PORTD is monitored through a set of 8 LEDs. 7 - PORTB. INTF_bit=0 If we forget to write this line the interrupt function would keep executing indefinitely. UNI-DS v8. Each of them is an independent counter which is toggled by one of several clock sources and which may trigger This example will show the implementation of a very simple use of the input capture event and interrupt. EXTI is the External Interrupt/Event controller of the STM32 microcontroller. A simple look in the infamous PIC32 datasheet under SPI reveals yet another extra datasheet we need to download, in this case entitled DS60001106. EXAMPLE OF USING INTERRUPTS IN PIC18F452. I want to toggle a port pin for 8 times if there is a keypress at PORTC. The PIC32 Interrupts Controller module includes the following features: Up to 256 interrupt sources. The next thing you'll not is we have to supply a "source" interrupt for the DMA transfers. The range of the clock is from 00:00:00 (midnight) on January 1, 2000, to 23:59:59 on December 31, 2099. Aug 1, 2018 · All we need to do is define an interrupt function, and XC8 is clever enough to tell the PIC to put the code in the right place so that the PIC executes it upon receiving an interrupt. ADC hardware: The PIC32 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) includes the following features: • Successive Approximation Register (SAR) conversion Up to about 1 MHz, with 10-bit resolution To get to 1 MHz you cannot sample in an ISR, but must use DMA • Up to 16 analog input pins -- But 9 inputs on our package. Nov 26, 2019 · [PIC32] External Interrupt. This external clock must meet the minimum high and low times as specified in the electrical specifications. The ADC Interrupt Flag (ADIF) bit becomes set every time a conversion cycle has completed, regardless of the state of the ADC Interrupt Enable (ADIE) bit. 5) Options 탭으로 이동하여 Harmony Framework Configuration 항목으로 이동합니다. Step1: Open CubeMX & Create New Project. Description . PORT D is used as output port and it is monitored through a set of 8 Mar 23, 2010 · For example, pin 20 can serve as a comparator input, an analog input, a change notification input which can generate an interrupt when the pin changes state, or a digital input or output. Below is an empty interrupt service routine and shows how interrupt routines are defined in XC8. In this video, I'll talk about the external interrupts (INT). The larger goal is to use parallel hardware to make timing completely independent of software, including independent of interrupts. 2-compatible (JTAG) boundary scan Packages Type SOIC SSOP SPDIP QFN Nov 30, 2014 · See section 9. These tutorials take you through the process of setting up a project for the PIC32MZ2048EFM144 from Microchip. TCS = 0; // do NOT use the external clock. ADCHS Interrupt: This example application shows how to sample an analog input using the ADCHS peripheral and displays the converted samples on a serial terminal: ADCHS polling: This example application shows how to sample an analog input using the ADCHS peripheral and displays the converted samples on a serial terminal: Cache maintenance operations Answer. LED1. Thankfully, this is very easy to do: INTCONbits. The reads done on other bits will count toward the read for the CN enabled port pins. External interrupts have to be synchronized with the four-clock instruction cycle, otherwise there can be a one instruction cycle jitter. Apr 28, 2020 · #picinterrupt #microcontroller #interruptIn This Video you are going to know about:a- Interrupt in Microcontroller. F0; Delay_ms(100); But during the period, any other Mar 25, 2014 · 6. Select '32-bit MPLAB Harmony Project'. PIC32 USE INTERRUPT With Harmony. Oct 27, 2006 · The RTCC module offers the following operating modes: Real-Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC) Alarm. When this pin goes low, the timer stops incrementing and the timer interrupt flag, TxIF, is set. Hi, - Is there an example available on how to define and use a PIC32 External Interrupt? - I am targeting to use a PIC32MZ device, 4 out of 5 external interrupts of which is remappable. Enter an appropriate 'Configuration Name'. 3. Of course, this routine is empty and would cause some problems. Classes are open to all skill levels and cover an array of embedded control topics. But when I leave button its working again I dont want this step. A workaround for PIC32MZ/PIC32MK is to enable edge Interrupt Circuitry. The interrupt routine consists of toggling the output pin value, which causes the LED to turn on and off. It can be programmed to operate in Single Vector mode or Multi Vector mode. so For that Harmony has given me Functions but I can't understand how I can use them. Normally this would be very easy using a delay function. The vector address of a given interrupt is calculated using Exception Base (EBASE <31:12>) register, which provides a 4 KB page-aligned base address value located in the kernel segment (kseg) address space. ece4760 timers PIC32. Nov 30, 2023 · Open the GPIO tab and active the following configuration: We are using GPIO Mode as an External interrupt with Rising edge and Pull-up. Timers are useful for generating accurate time-based periodic interrupt events for software applications or real-time operating systems. If you remember from the LCD example, in PMP_init() I had this line: 14. The LED is toggled in the interrupt handler to indicate periodic callback. The PIC32MX Interrupts module includes the following features : Up to 96 interrupt sources. Note: These examples use peripheral library binaries distributed with MPLAB XC32. Fusion for PIC32 over USB-C. Seven user-selectable priority levels for each vector. The Interrupt module exists external to the CPU logic and prioritizes the interrupt events before presenting them to the CPU. The port pin PB0 is the input capture pin (ICP1). This example code extends the ramp example for bidirectional control of a motor using an H-bridge. Peripherals and external interrupt sources can be programmed to priority levels between 1-7. F0 and there should be a delay of say 100ms between the toggles. -- An example code triggers an ADC conversion on a timer 2 time-out event (interrupt flag, but no ISR) by using a DMA0 block to directly set the ADC start-conversion bit, triggered by the timer interrupt flag (Timer2 IRQ). The interrupt circuitry is the digital logic circuit that drives the interruption systems within the microcontroller. While in Sleep mode, the slave can transmit/receive data. This example demonstrates how to use the TMR module in timer mode to generate periodic interrupt. Flow Control : None. While in Slave mode, the external clock is supplied by the external clock source on the SCK pin. 6) 간단한 printf 출력을 위해서 아래와 같이 Drivers - USART 드라이버를 활성화 하여 줍니다. It is not possible to read a PORT pin outside the CN ISR without disrupting the CN function. The following table provides the switch and the LED name: Board. These are External Interrupt 1 and 2 flag bits, respectively. g INTSetVectorPriority(INT_EXTERNAL_1_VECTOR, INT_PRIORITY_LEVEL_1); • External interrupts on all I/O pins • Five programmable edge/level-triggered interrupt pins Qualification and Class B Support • AEC-Q100 REVG (Grade 1 -40ºC to +125ºC) (planned) • Class B Safety Library, IEC 60730 (planned) • Back-up internal oscillator • Clock monitor with back-up internal oscillator • Global register locking This video describes the Harmony plug in for the MPLab X IDE. This page summarizes the key initialization and usage steps required for both interrupt exceptions and general exceptions. The Interrupt-on-Change function of the I/O ports allows a device to generate interrupt requests to the processor in response to a Change-of-State (COS) on selected input pins. About Libstock. Most configuration options are provided for you. Nov 10, 2023 · Download this Microsoft Excel file which simulates the PIC32 oscillator configuration settings. Fusion for PIC32. 29. Fusion for PIC v8. 그리고 Pull On some PIC32 MCUs, there are more IRQs than available vector numbers, so some IRQs share common vector numbers. CPU Priority A key feature of the exception processing system is the implementation of a user-programmable priority setting for peripheral and external interrupt sources. Fusion for ARM v8 over USB-C. An example would be an interrupt declaring data in a Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) receive buffer. For more information, see http://nu32. Fusion for KINETIS v8. The diagram could be easily found in the datasheet (14. Stop : 1 Bit. Single and Multi-Vector mode operations. Interrupt Examples. This video is a supplement to the book "Embedded Computing and Mechatronics with the PIC32 Microcontroller," Lync Sep 1, 2018 · SPI or Serial Peripheral Interface is a way of communicating with an external device using 3 or 4 wires, depending on whether we way one-way or two-way communication. PR1 = 4200; // configure the timer period. Bidirectional Motor Code. Data : 8 Bits. 1 = The INTx External Interrupt occurred (must be cleared in software) 0 = The INTx External Interrupt did not occur. Step2: Choose The Target MCU & Double-Click Its Name. The LED is turned ON when the switch is pressed and turned OFF when the switch is released. org. In this example, the interrupt is configured to be triggered on the falling edge of the input signal (the value is changed from logic ‘1’ to logic ‘0’), in order to generate the interrupt when the button is pressed. We use this circuit for both configuring & handling interrupts. In the process, the example demonstrates various ring buffer APIs. Parallel Master Port (PMP) Section 14. The ADC Interrupt can be generated while the device is operating or while in Sleep mode. If the value of this pin changes, a capture will be triggered; the 16-bit value of the counter (TCNT1) is written to the Input Capture Register (ICR1). The pressing and releasing works, but after pressing the button, LED2 stops blinking and stays on its state. 4. I/O Ports Section 13. Switch name. This feature is capable of detecting input COS, even in Sleep mode when the clocks are disabled. Start MPLAB X IDE and create a new project. Time measurement and control. IO Ports. When the timers are in gate mode, the counters (driven by an internal clock) only increment when the TxCK pin is high. Nov 9, 2023 · Timer Operation (Gate Mode) You can use the timer's gate feature to accurately measure the time for an external event. 3 V is fed to the ADC and converted value is displayed on the console. The PIC32MX device family has two different types of timers, depending on the device variant. PORTB. As the 74 (HC)30 is a NAND gate you would need all the inputs high in the quiescent state - they would also need to be connected to port pins so you could identify which interrupts were active by reading the Oct 4, 2012 · The external interrupt pins allow software to specify whether the interrupt should be triggered by a rising edge or by a falling edge; if e. The RTCC is a 100-year clock and calendar with automatic leap year detection. Jan 18, 2022 · 1. Join us to learn how we are empowering innovation from our expert embedded design engineers. g. Although method “a” is probably the simplest to write, methods “b” and “c” are provided because they may be used by other sources that the reader may encounter. This checks if the flag INTF_bit is set (with 1) which means that an external interrupt at pin B0 has occurred ( in this case a rising edge). This example demonstrates how to sample an analog input in interrupt mode and send the converted data to console. A second DMA1 block is triggered to transfer one short-int to memory for every ADC-done event (ADC IRQ) until 256 values Hi I am using PIC32MX795F512L and I want to create an external interrupt on INT0. All interrupts are supported. The goal of Harmony (which includes functionality that used to be called "Code Configurator") TABLE 2: PIC32 USB AND ETHERNET – FEATURES USB and Ethernet Device Pins Program Memory (KB) Data Memory (KB) USB Ethernet Timers/Capture/Compare DMA Channels (Programmable/ Dedicated) UART (2,3) SPI (3) I 2 C™ (3) 10-bit 1 Msps ADC (Channels) Comparators PMP/PSP JTAG Trace Packages (4) PIC32MX664F064H 64 64 + 12(1) 32 1 1 5/5/5 4/4 6 3 4 16 23. Mar 25, 2024 · Interrupts Section 9. Blink LED on an Explorer16 board using the DMA and a pattern stored in Flash. Fusion for STM32 over USB-C. The PIC32 Interrupts module includes the following features: Up to 96 interrupt sources. All timers are fully supported in all modes. In this example, Analog input voltage in the range of 0 V to 3. Input Capture Section 16. Open the Terminal application (Ex. Working with an External PIC Interrupt: Objective: To configure the External Interrupt 0 (INT0) and invert (or toggle) the output at PORTD when interrupt occurs. 7) System Services - Interrupts 항목에서 아래와 같이 External Interrupt Instance 를 4개로 설정합니다. Here we will configure the External Interrupt 0 (INT0). You can keep the default Project Location in the applications folder or set a desired one as shown below. If an application uses CN interrupt for one pin in the port, this port should not be read from other places. 7th Generation. The UART is configured in non-blocking mode (interrupts enabled). 1 INTRODUCTION. Timers. Peripheral Library Examples. All I'm trying to do here is measure the frequency of the input square wave by reading the capture value at every falling edge interrupt. After completing the GPIO configuration click on the NVIC tab and enable the EXTI line [15:10] interrupt. Interrupt proximity timer. Build and Program the application project using its IDE. I am trying to enable pin23 of the PIC as an input to trigger an external interrupt. For example, one interrupt handlers may be: The results I'm getting are both inconsistent and incorrect. All preceding steps for interrupt exception usage are combined in a complete working MPLAB X IDE project: Interrupt Code Example (in C) General Exception Usage. Other uses include counting external pulses or accurate timing measurement of external events by Dec 20, 2015 · For more information, see http://nu32. // configure the Timer1 interrupt. In Single Vector mode, all interrupts use a common vector. Nov 15, 2023 · Code Example - General Exception Usage. In this way, the user can allocate the interrupt routine by its discretion, except for P16 family, where the interrupt routine must be allocated in the first bank. I'll also explain how to code interrupts in MPLAB X IDE in general with various examples. As we know, PIC12F675 microcontroller has one GP2/INT pin, which can be used to service external interrupts. -- and ignoring as much of the rest as possible (drivers, mainly), and find this approach works well. F0=~PORTB. Once received, the characters are echoed back. Fusion for TIVA v8. Hello Everyone, I am using Curiosity PIC32MX Board (PIC32MX470F512H) Controller With MPLAB X IDE and Harmony, So I want to use External interrupt. 4 CPU Priority Status The CPU can operate at one of the 16 priority levels that range from 0-15. The ISR just increments a variable and clears the interrupt flag. In my code when I press button leds are on/off every thing okey until now. The constant interrupt latency allows PICs to achieve interrupt-driven low-jitter timing sequences. For example, in our desirable interrupt function we want the function to take place only when the external interrupt flag INTF is set. I found this example code in another project online. ADC interrupt . Request Code. The module includes the following features: Up to 256 interrupt sources; Single and Multi-Vector mode operations; Up to five external interrupts with edge polarity control; Interrupt proximity timer Code Example - Interrupt Usage. Mar 27, 2017 · 2. When the last bit is latched, the SSPIF interrupt flag bit is set. Here is the initialization code: T1CONbits. Interrupts are signals provided to the CPU of the microcontroller unit, either from internal peripheral modules or from external pins of the MCU. 0 INTERRUPT-ON-CHANGE. PIC32MX Interrupt and Exception operation must be carefully initialized by the application developer. UNI-DS v8 over USB-C. B0=~PORTD This line is to toggle the led (change the state of the led either on to off or off to on). PIC32MZ Embedded Connectivity with FPU (EF) Starter Kit. This contrasts with main-line code, which, for a freestanding application, is Nov 9, 2023 · Create New Project. A non-inverting chip works well. Comparator Section 20. I am attempting to code a program for a PIC32 where pressing the S1 button lights up the LED, and releasing it turns it off, LED2 is also blinking - using interrupts. SW1. Watchdog, Deadman, and Power-up Timers Section 10. If the corresponding INTEDGx bit in the INTCON2 register is set (= 1), the interrupt is triggered by a rising edge; if the bit is clear, the trigger is on the falling edge. This post provides the external interrupt code for PIC12F675 microcontroller (e-g when you need to control servo motor which has position encoder, with your PIC microcontroller). The difference is that dedicated external IRQ pins have separate interrupt vectors, while IRQ IOC pins share a common interrupt signal and you have to manually check which pin state has changed and caused that IOC global flag to fire the interrupt. PORTD. 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Section 19. a pin is low and one is interested in falling edges only, an interrupt will not be triggered until the pin rises and subsquently falls. The most common types of IRQ pins are dedicated external interrupt pins and IOC (interrupt-on-change) pins. Interrupts are situations that the CPU can’t predict when they will happen, they can happen any time, so the CPU does not wait for them. I write a simple code for INT0. Apr 15, 2010 · The PIC32 can not supply enough current to open the gate of the MOSFET. I am using the PIC32MX695F512L PIC32 processor with C32 2. 0 pin - UART RX event interrupt - Interrupt on change on PORTB. An example of this is a video sync pulse generator. Five external interrupts with edge polarity control. Figure 5 - User Button S1 Connection. 1 RTCC Mode of Operation. Then I reset Timer2 and read the capture value again at the next interrupt. PIC32 devices also have exception vectors for non-interrupt exceptions. There are eight hardware timers on the PIC32MX250. The ADC Interrupt can be generated while the device is operating Oct 27, 2006 · The RTCC module offers the following operating modes: Real-Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC) Alarm. Aug 15, 2018 · Interrupts 1. Examples for PIC32MZ. Internal interrupts are already synchronized. Jun 21, 2020 · 0 = Low priority. This example demonstrates how to setup: - External INT0 interrupt on PORTB. TCKPS = 0b01; // configure the timer prescaler to divide-by-8. : Tera term) on the computer. In our case it’s IRQ06. Within the UART driver, there may be several different interrupts that are defined. Add a buffer between the PIC32 output compare pin and the gate of the MOSFET. Timers Section 15. h> int i=0; int j=0; 1. Output Compare Section 17. This video is a supplement to the book "Embedded Computing and Mechatronics with the PIC32 Microcontroller," Lync Nov 10, 2023 · Interrupt Controller. This • External interrupts on all I/O pins Class B Support • Class B Safety Library, IEC 60730 Debugger Development Support • In-circuit and in-application programming •4-wire MIPS® Enhanced JTAG interface • Unlimited program and six complex data breakpoints • IEEE 1149. Parity : None. EBASE is a CPU register. Fusion for STM32 v8. These peripheral devices may be Serial EEPROMs, shift registers, display drivers, A/D converters, etc. TMR periodic interrupt . I've been using Harmony to set up the hardware -- clocks, interrupts, I/O, etc. Jun 26, 2017 · I am facing a problem while implementing a timer based interrupt in mikroC for PIC. May 2, 2011 · The PIC32 generates interrupt requests in response to interrupt events from peripheral modules. Ł Multiple Interrupt Vectors with Individually Programmable Priority Ł Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Mode Ł Configurable Watchdog Timer with On-Chip, Low-Power RC Oscillator for Reliable Operation Ł Two Programming and Debugging Interfaces: - 2-wire interface with unintrusive access and real-time data exchange with application Why don't you try the lib's that comes with the PIC32 MPLABC Microchip input a lot of effort and it makes life easier for the developer E. All interrupts including priority settings are simulated. EasyPIC Fusion v7. I would like to set pin23 as INT2 to trigger in the rising edge and with the input configured with a pull-down resistor. b- Types of Interrupt in Microchip PIC16 M Apr 9, 2020 · This registration allows the developer to take their callback function and assign it to the interrupt that they need to assign it to such an UART receive or transmit interrupt. 11 page 153). Running the Application. These exceptions are grouped into bootstrap exceptions and general exceptions. Nov 15, 2018 · It basically tells the PIC32 to allow use of a different handler for each different type of interrupt (Timer 2, Timer 3, etc). 6 "INTx Pin Interrupts" where we find the following: External interrupts on the RB0/INT0, RB1/INT1 and RB2/INT2 pins are edge-triggered. Up to 64 interrupt vectors. This is the code of what I am trying to do: void EnableINT2IE() {. Which function a particular pin serves is determined by "Special Function Registers" (SFRs) that contain configuration bits specifying the desired use of the pin. Module freeze in Debug mode. That should give you an idea of what you need to do. PIC32 Tutorials. External clock must be a minimum of 1 Tcy. eziya/PIC32MZ_EXAMPLES. 00 compiler on a development board. Nov 15, 2023 · Code Example - Interrupt Usage. Two TMR modules are used to form a 32-bit timer. You might try setting up an external interrupt using Harmony in a test project just to see what code it generates. As shown above, the PIC32MZ generates interrupt exception requests in response to interrupt events coming from the peripheral modules (Core Timer, Performance Counter, Fast Debug Channel). Oct 9, 2017 · PIC12F675 external interrupt code and Proteus simulation. Note the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet that select PIC32MX or PIC32MZ configurations. Contribute to eziya/PIC32MZ_EXAMPLES development by creating an account on GitHub. LED name. 8th Generation. External Interrupt – Overview. All preceding steps for interrupt exception usage are combined in a complete working MPLAB ® X IDE project: Interrupt Code Example (in C) General Exception Usage. Then we continue on to set up a 1ms Tick Timer, Interrupt Driven UART for debug output as well as general purpose SERCOM SPI interrupt: This example application shows how to use SERCOM SPI PLIB with external loop back to write and then read back an array of data in interrupt mode: SERCOM USART interrupt: This example application demonstrates how to use the SERCOM peripheral in USART mode to transfer data in a non-blocking manner: Systick periodic interrupt The Interrupt Controller module exists external to the CPU Execution Unit and prioritizes the interrupt events before presenting them to the CPU. Power-Saving Modes Section 12. The ADIF bit must be cleared by software. The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) module is a synchronous serial interface useful for communicating with external peripherals and other microcontroller devices. The example asks the user to enter 10 characters. The PIC32 offers a flexible interrupt controller. Timers can be combined to create 32-bit counters. Complete the Harmony project details as shown in the image below. The TMR module generates periodic interrupt on 1 second period match. So the CPU keeps on doing its normal job unless and interrupt occurs. The following three examples of declaring a function to service a Timer 1 interrupt as an ISR are equivalent. Jan 27, 2015 · The Interrupt Controller module exists external to the CPU logic and prioritizes the interrupt events before presenting them to the CPU. Does that mean one could assign those 4 external interru Build and program the application project using its IDE. Fusion for ARM v8. PORTBbits. While in Multi Vector mode, there are a total of 64 vectors. Both single vectored and multi vectored interrupt modes are supported. Summary. gv xx tm lb ro oz of ze gv pi