Greek mythology and christianity similarities

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The effect of Constantine’s conversion in 312 ce and his legislation was only briefly shaken by Julian’s reign; by 392, pagan cults had been banned. Some stories and beliefs were assimilated or adapted to fit Christian doctrines. May 31, 2024 · Christianity. Hades was the grandson of Uranus, the god of the heavens, and Gaia, the goddess of the Earth. One version of the story of Iphigenia and Agamemnon, which helped set in motion both Mar 16, 2011 · This compares with the early Bible narrative from Abraham to Moses relating to the settling of Canaan. These stories concern the ancient Greek religion 's view of the origin and nature of the world; the lives and activities of deities The Greek gods were the embodiment of love, care, chaos, jealousy, insanity, and pettiness. Origins. In the beginning, when Jesus created the heaven and the earth, 2. Greek gods are immortal, while Norse gods are mortal, with most perishing during Ragnarok. God named the light Day, he named the dark night. These two religions’ origins are found in the Near East/European geographical area. While the exact origins are uncertain, Norse mythology has a deep-rooted history that evolved and influenced the culture of the Norse people. Christianity There are numerous mythologies in the world, and they have numerous things in common as well as differences. Christianity is monotheistic with followers worshipping one God in the form on the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and prayed to one God (Yahweh) for everything. Zeus was born in a cave on Crete. It’s possible it and other ancient traditions influenced Greek mythology. Even though both Greek mythology and Christianity is still referenced to in today’s society, Greek mythology was a lot more corrupt allowing Christianity to last longer. Oct 29, 2021 · It has been a common assumption throughout Christian history that Pandora was a “type of Eve. Mar 8, 2023 · Most often, the world of the afterlife is associated with Greek mythology, where it is called the underworld, or Hades. Dec 21, 2019 · Greek mythology and christianity similarities. Horae Serenae by Edward John Poynter – Painted in 1896 Feb 19, 2024 · The similarities between Greek and Roman mythology. It create countless cultures afterwards allowed us headed for beat appreciate a lot of civilizations. Sep 4, 2022 · In Ancient Greek Mythology, Persephone was the goddess of the Spring. Dec 23, 2015 · Godly inseminations in Ancient Greek and Roman mythology. [deleted] • 5 yr. One day, she is Comparison: Christianity Vs. Second Coming of Christ: The Lord Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah of Old Testament Prophecy; He Will Come again at the end of time, to Fulfill New Testament Prophecy. Both Heaven and Olympus are believed to have beliefs or prophecies that are very similar There are a plethora of similarities between Christian and Greek Mythology. Greek religion is not the same as Greek mythology, which is concerned with traditional tales, though the two are closely interlinked. Zeus was born in a cave to hide him from his father Cronus. The art of Archaic and Classical Greece illustrates many mythological episodes, including an established iconography of attributes that identify each god. Aramaic, Greek, and Armenian. Both Samson and Hercules are well-known for their legendary strength, and many other similarities exist between the two. Almost nothing of that got ever recorded. May 27, 2024 · Greek mythology, body of stories concerning the gods, heroes, and rituals of the ancient Greeks and Classical antiquity. The word theodicy comes from Greek: theo meaning “god” and dike meaning “justice. Christianity is a monotheistic religion‚ or belief in only one God‚ and spiritual practices are based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as written in the New Testament of the Bible‚ with the role of Jesus as savior and the Son of God. Greek mythology is a polytheistic. One of the most well-known Christmas customs throughout the Christian world is singing carols, songs which have been written for the occasion. This is surrounded by the critical writers that were the same morally. Evolution Guy posted 12 years ago in reply to this. The earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters (Genesis 1: 1-2). Although Christianity does not practice rituals like animal sacrifice or libation, the symbolic concept Aug 3, 2019 · Routledge monographs in classical studies – Bryn Mawr Classical Review. Christ was born in a cave in Israel. Greek Mythology. First, both the Greek and Judo-Christian creation myth explains that the universe starts from nothing. So, yes. Zeus was the greatest of the gods of Olympus. Feb 20, 2024 · When Christianity spread through Scandinavian regions in the Middle Ages, it gradually impacted Norse mythology. Greek religion, religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Hellenes. Similarly, the Egyptian goddess Isis shares similarities with the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the Roman goddess Venus, as all three represent love, beauty, and fertility. Clement of Alexandria, demonstrated Jan 4, 2022 · The similarities do not point to one account copying from the other, but to the fact that both stories point back to the same historical event. to the same degree as christianity is nowadays. For instance, in Norse mythology, Odin had to give up one eye to become the god of wisdom from the well of knowledge. With its rich pantheon of gods and goddesses, captivating stories, and heroic Hugo Rahner’s 1971, Greek Myths and Christian Mystery gives some connection overview. Her parents were Zeus and his sister Demeter. Finally, there are cases of borrowing, but in these cases the Bible was the source, not the pagan myths (despite pseudo-academic claims to the contrary). May 11, 2022 · The Romans went even further and connected many of their own stories to Greek mythology. It already is to many people. Greek creation myths resemble some of the Egyptian creation stories, with gods such as Ouranus (Uranus) and Gaea—representing sky and earth—emerging from an egg or from chaos. I call it bs as every mythology including christian one is a set of allegories giving some worldview and the way of life and back in a time greek "mythology" was religion with believers, temples, priests, rites, etc. The Descent of Inanna also describes a crucifixion and resurrection after three days and then ascension into heaven, likewise very similar to the general outline of true Christ story. “Apollo and the Hours” by Georg Friedrich Kersting (1822). [1] Comparative mythology has served a variety of academic purposes. So much that, some people also believe that Zeus and Jesus were the same person. Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, wields thunderbolts and guarantees order and sanity in the pantheon. In the bible genesis 1:3-5 it states, “ God spoke, ‘Light! And the light appeared. Now in the Greek version; “First Christian assimilation of Hellenistic philosophy was anticipated by Philo and other Greek-speaking Alexandrian Jews. In biblical stories, christians believe that the lord God created the world; he created birds, animals, and humans. Some well-known Norse gods include Thor, Loki, and Freyja. Jason, leader of the Argonauts, belonged to the same extended family as Phrixus, all being descended from Aeolus. Dissimilarity unlike Greek gods not many demigods are found in Hindu mythology as they were mostly spiritual but still there are many demigods* (Arjuna). Apr 7, 2010 · Single. These gods and goddesses inhabited Mount Olympus, high up in the sky. London; New York: Routledge, 2018. Consider the case of Sargon’s birth. The Church considers it an act of murder, the difference being only partial destruction (source catholicculture. The Christian faith rose above the sack of Rome in 410 to refute, but not entirely to forget, Graeco-Roman mythology. Just as Abraham’s knife was descending God showed him a ram caught in a nearby thicket and told him to kill the animal in place of his son. In Greek mythology, the gods and goddesses were depicted as humans with supernatural powers and abilities. Similarly, in Greek mythology, Zeus and his forces established the mount olympus to be there One of the many similarities that they have is that they both separated the light from the dark. Christ is the head of the Christian Church. Although ancient Greek myths are now told as stories that show how the Greeks explained the workings of the natural and scientifc world, we tend to forget that these stories were the oral textbook of morality that acted essentially as a religion, guiding how the This piece shows people who are Christian follow the principles of the Bible believe the stories told in the Bible itself. Greeks worshipped the 12 Olympian gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades) for the most important things while praying to lesser gods for more daily trivial matters. Feb 3, 2024 · Greek mythology reflects the ideals of ancient Greek society, where concepts of heroism, honor, and the pursuit of immortality were highly valued. Both heroes of their respective mythologies, Krishna and Achilles were both killed by arrows piercing their heel — the only vulnerable part of their body. I am really just looking at the similarities, as that is what I want my essay to focus on. Well, Christianity is the Truth and other religions have bits, pieces and nuggets of truth to them; therefore, any similarity is not purely by coincidence. 00. Then God said “Let there be light, and the light was there, and God called light “day” and darkness “night”. The main starting point, generally, is the Osiris, Dionysus-Bacchus, and Moses connection. ” Because of Pandora’s prominence in Graeco-Roman philosophy, literature, and mythology, the aspects of their stories that bore similarities were exaggerated in such a way that Pandora became a “Greek Eve,” and Eve became a “Christian At the same time, their Greek counterparts number an even dozen (even more depending on the source or the authority). Christianity, which is approximately 2,000 years old, is a continuation of Judaism, the writings of which date to the Bronze Age as well. org) To sin, as a greek concordance has been defined as to 'miss the mark'. Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions by T. Additional gods emerged from chaos, and many gods sprang into being as the creatively—and often immorally—conceived offspring of other gods. Then trace how the (Egyptian-based) Greek pantheon, indirectly, became the Judeo-Christian pantheon via god reduction. The second edition (2021) of this brief but highly informative book presents an outline of Greek religion in the classical period. I want to list the similarities between Bible stories and Greek myths. It wouldn’t have been the other way around. But we do have many cases of overlap! The similarities between Christianity and ancient Egypt are almost endless. In conclusion, Norse mythology is a fascinating and ancient tradition that predates the rise of Christianity. For my topic I chose to write about the similarities between Christianity and Greek mythology. Even in Ancient Greece, many aspects of their religion were considered to be at least semi-mythical. Where did Norse mythology come from? The reason you dont find as many direct parallels is in part because we actually know far far less about celtic mythology then greek or norse. Some of the most prominent include Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. In Norse mythology, gods and goddesses are divided into two main groups: the Aesir and the Vanir. Oct 22, 2023 · The birth date of most of the sun gods is December 25. ago. There were twelve principal deities in the Greek pantheon. Where in Greek mythology most of the women were created to make men miserable. These religions are further divided into denominations and sects that differ from each other in doctrine, theology, and/or style of worship while retaining core beliefs. But in ancient Greece there also were specific “carols” celebrating the rebirth of Dionysus. 2. Apr 7, 2010. Zeus was angry with the descendants of Aeolus over the attempted sacrifice of Phrixus by his father, and to appease his divine There are unusual similarities and differences. 6 days ago · This is one potential parallel that many people familiar with the Bible and Greek mythology have wondered about. Read More. A Dec 2, 2009 · Hera (Juno): the queen of the gods and goddess of women and marriage. Apollo: The god of music, poetry, healing, and the sun. In Ancient Greek Mythology, the Hours–or the Horae–represented 2 of the Season Auxa ws the Horae Summer. This book differs from recent predecessors in its focus on theology rather than literary history, literary criticism, or historicist accounts of canon-formation. Danae and the Shower of Gold. Promised Holy one. Greek and Roman mythologies focused on the relationships between gods and mortals and attempted to make sense of an otherwise chaotic universe. According to the ancient Greeks, at the time of death, the soul separates from the body and is transported to the underworld, where it is accepted into the realm by the governing god Hades, who is known to reside at the edges Greek myths explained the origins of the gods and their individual relations with mankind. Bruce Louden , Greek Myth and the Bible. Doane (1882) 1. Whether Norse or Greek in origin, each god or goddess has a particular domain they oversee or over which they exercise dominion. As the cornerstone of Western civilization, Greek Jul 29, 2017 · Massive Similarities Between Different World Mythologies. W. The great writer Homer himself . It would be greatly appreciated if you guys could give me some ideas. God saw that the light was good and decided to separate light from dark. Hesiod wrote an early version of the myth wherein Yahweh Zeus was the good guy and Jesus Prometheus was the bad guy but in the 5th century BC, Greek playwright, Aeschylus, composed the Greek antecedent to the Christian gospel, Prometheus Bound. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Many eighteenth and nineteenth century scholars believed that all world mythologies showed signs of having evolved from a single mythical theme. But many gods are similar. Matslwin • 5 yr. Little there is actual mythology about gods and such. At first glance there doesn't seem to be much similarity between Greek mythology and Christianity; however, upon a more detailed examination you may find many similarities and differences. The popular claim is that nephilim means “fallen ones,” but this is highly unlikely. That the myths contained a considerable element of fiction was recognized by the more critical Greeks, such as the philosopher Plato in the 5th–4th century bce. Of course all religions have similarities, but check this out. 2 And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was Jul 16, 2019 · Not Christianity, which calls these acts a sin, where people are mutilating their God given bodies to look like the opposite sex. For example, the Romans linked the founding of Rome to Aeneas, the Greek hero from the Trojan War. "These innovations reflect the play's thematic reversal of the Hesiodic myth. Routledge monographs in classical studies . Greek mythology is the body of myths originally told by the ancient Greeks, and a genre of ancient Greek folklore, today absorbed alongside Roman mythology into the broader designation of classical mythology. Similarities can begin with creation stories where in both the Christian creation story, Genesis, and in many accounts of the Ancient Greek creation story, “the earth began with darkness and nothingness, or chaos” (Genesis 1:2), as known to the Greeks. Apr 24, 2024 · The comparison of Greek mythology and Christianity, 494 words essay example Essay Topic: greek mythology , comparison Anyone can prove that the fall of Rome was credited partly to the rise of Christianity, and the Christianity that we know today had to start from somewhere. They Both Have Flaws. Here are our top picks: 1. The Bible served as the central religious text of Christianity, believed to be divinely inspired and containing teachings, narratives, and moral guidelines for believers. Among these are the Greek, Roman, Norse, Etruscan, Celtic, Slavic While Roman Mythology lacked written scriptures, relying more on oral traditions, myths, and legends, Christianity placed great importance on sacred texts, particularly the Bible. Athena: The goddess of wisdom, courage, and strategic warfare. Thus, the literal meaning of theodicy is god-justice. And in time, christian beliefs will also be considered mythology. Perhaps those bits and pieces of truth were allowed to be there to ultimately help the Greeks adopt Christianity and accept Christ. For example, stories of Ragnarok, the end of the world in Norse mythology, might have taken on Christian apocalyptic themes. Also a comparison between the two myths would include God made Adam and Eve without a partner, which in the same case, Gaea made Uranus without a partner. Paul and Barnabas mistaken for Zeus and Hermes. ISBN 9781138328587 . In Greek mythology, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon are all believed to rule heaven. Christ. The reason Christianity outlived Greek mythology was because Greek mythology had a numerous amount of flaws, was mainly used for Feb 25, 2022 · The word mythology is derived from the combination of the Greek words “study” (logos) and “myth” (mûthos), a symbolic narrative concerning the early history of a people or a natural phenomenon associated with religious belief. View PDF. Like saraswati and athena (a little) and in the early vedic period the main gods were indra God of rain (somewat close to zeus) followed by and fire ( a little close Norse Mythology is older than Christianity when its roots are traced back to the oral stories of the ancient Germanic culture in the Bronze Age. Greek Legend Composition Article type: Article Pages: 6 (1307 words) All over countless ages belief has been a actual central amount of annals. Zeus was angry with the descendants of Aeolus over the attempted sacrifice of Phrixus by his father, and to appease his divine Roman mythology being based on greek is a common misconception taught in schools. Similarities between the stories of Christ and Zeus. Christianity vs. For reference purposes, Hebrew predates Greek, and also seems to have been quite influential at least in terms of language. Jesus, the son of God and the Virgin Mary is the Messiah known for his teachings and sacrifice to The transition from paganism to Christianity took place very gradually and unevenly in late antiquity and in the early Byzantine world. In both cases, mythologies tackled important topics, including the creation of the world, the nature of good and evil, and what happens after death. This is almost all incorrect. The differences that the two religions have are Analysis of Greek Mythology vs Christianity -Similarities and Differences. Many Bibles use the word “giants” in Genesis 6:4 as a translation of the word nephilim. Both religions arose within a similar culture, Christianity gaining popularity at the expense of Greek Mythology. In the Bible and Greek Mythology both were the believe of us to God (s). Christianity, as a method of spiritual awakening is far, far more valid than Greek mythology, and may be on an even par with Buddhism and Hinduism, but I'm not wise enough yet to know the answer to this. Running head: Ancient Egyptian Religion and Christianity a Comparative Analysis Comparative Analysis Jason J wells Ways of Knowing The College of New Rochelle Table of contents Introduction 3-4 The concept of God in ancient Egypt in comparison to Christianity 4-10 Back ground 10-14 Horus-Jesus-Osiris, sons of God 14-16 Isis-Marry 16-17 The After-life 18-19 Conclusion 18-21 References 22-23 L. There is considerable overlap between Norse and Greek gods regarding the categories of specialization. Consider the various myths of ancient Greece that describe phenomenal inseminations. Aramaic, Common (Koine) Greek, Hebrew. Each church has its own geographic boundaries (rather than national) that typically reflect local cultural traditions of its believers. The December 25 date is given even though the Bible says the shepherds were in their fields when Jesus was born, meaning Jesus had to have been born in the spring (Luke 2:8). C. The Greeks religious beliefs could also be called mythology, or an assembly of folklore, but for this it would categorise as a customary Jan 26, 2024 · Norse and Greek mythology have fascinated scholars and enthusiasts alike for their intriguing similarities and differences. #3. Oct 31, 2018 · Like many mythologies around the world, Hindu and Hellenic mythologies too share some fascinating similarities. ”. Cultural influences affect both Christianity and Greek Mythology and cause the similarities seen. And same with their depiction, they somewhat had the same problems as humans. It's the date of the winter solstice and the date adopted by the church as the birth date of Jesus Christ. The Greek religion, which follows the stories of Greek mythology, does not follow the traditional tales. Curiously, for a people so religiously minded, the Greeks had no word for religion itself; the nearest terms were eusebeia (“piety Nov 25, 2022 · 1. Running away after losing the war, he landed in Italy. viii, 241. I will be comparing and contrasting the Greek Religion with Christianity. Jun 1, 2024 · Greek mythology, like Christianity, has its main heroes and central figures (for example, Hercules and Jesus). Jan 1, 2020 · Greek mythology is the soil for European societies, and th e Chinese tra nslation of ancien t Greek mythology began in 1907 by t he Commercial Press. Zeus. As in Greek mythology, there is a battle between the gods for power. Zeus: The king of the gods, ruler of Mount Olympus, and the god of thunder and lightning. Heracles, the son of Zeus and a mortal, gained fame for his incredible strength and completed twelve labors as penance for his sins. May 6, 2021 · Holy Trinity. Similarities: Like Christianity, the Greeks worshiped their gods at temples, or sacred buildings. The Aesir, led by Odin, is often associated with war and wisdom, while the Vanir, led by Njord, is connected to fertility and prosperity. There are still thousands of existing religions. Focus of the Greeks loyalty was based on the Bible but the one god was turned into many. The Babylonian myth relates the creation of the world and man: the gods and their personalities and traits, and the relationship between the two. In contrast, Norse mythology depicts a world of warfare, adventure, and destiny, emphasizing the importance of personal courage, loyalty, and fate. His descendents, Romulus and Remus, were said to be the two brothers who founded Rome. $140. Theodicy in Judeo-Christian Belief and Greek Mythology by Kathleen Laufenberg One of the primary features of apocalyptic literature is the concept of theodicy. Léon Comerre/Wikimedia Commons Jan 13, 2019 · In the Book of Genesis, you may remember, the patriarch Abraham was tested by God and told to sacrifice his son Isaac. Christ was born in a cave to hide him from Herod. For example, scholars have used the relationships between different myths to trace the development of religions and cultures, to propose common Oct 23, 2022 · They believed that these deities resided on Mount Olympus and interacted with humans. Philo's blend of Judaism, Platonism, and Stoicism strongly influenced Christian Alexandrian writers such as Origen and Clement of Alexandria, as well as, in the Latin world, Ambrose of Milan . The Greek hero Perseus was born of a mortal mother, Danae, who was impregnated by Zeus in the form of a shower of gold. Jun 2, 2013 · Any resemblance between the triune God of Christianity and the 10 sefirot of the God of Kabbalah almost certainly derives from this influence rather than from the workings of Christianity on Judaism. The Hellenistic expansion which had begun in the third century B. Greek and Norse mythology have many gods, with their believers believing in more than one god. In contrast, Judaism is monotheistic, and Christians believe in one God who created the world and sent his son, Jesus Christ, to save humanity. The Gods of the Olympus, Maarten van Heemskerck, 1556, From the collection of: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. Religious Beliefs. This battle causes universal events and changes that affect the lives of the ancient Mesopotamians. As a means to rationalize the inexplicable nature of observed events, myths have played important functions in Nov 11, 2013 · The Giants. Nov 7, 2023 · For example, the Ancient Egyptians worshipped a sky god known as Horus, while the Greeks revered Zeus as the god of the heavens. Dec 16, 2023 · Conclusion. This is why Greek myth is usually studied from a literary perspective, and not a religious studies perspective. The reason I ask this question is because greeks, romans and germanic people are indo-european, and thus their traditions, language and religion come from the same root. Both Are Polytheistic. Main Greek Gods and Goddesses. Mar 27, 2020 · John Heath’s The Bible, Homer, and the Search for Meaning in Ancient Myths comes as the latest in a growing list of studies comparing the Bible and Homeric epic. In this piece the Gods and Goddesses The similarities between biblical stories and Greek Mythology. After a survey of its main characteristics, the book offers a clear and innovative view of the great gods and heroes as well as their sanctuaries and also the main myths, rituals and mysteries: from Athena to Zeus, from sacrifice to the puritan Orphics, from the Oct 24, 2019 · David Litwa’s book is a fine piece of comparative ancient religious literature; it raises the question of Christianity vis-à-vis Greek mythology and will infuriate Jesus mythicists. 58. Routledge monographs in classical studies. Samson’s mother is described as barren (Judges 13:2) meaning that she could not have children. There are unusual similarities and differences. had earned Greek culture far beyond the boundaries of Greece itself, but in doing so it had opened the way for a new influx of mystic cults from the East. Christianity is a monotheistic religion, or belief in only one God, and spiritual practices are based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Dec 22, 2018 · Ancient Greeks commemorated his rebirth on December 30th every year. Hades (ᾍδης Hádēs; Ἅιδης Háidēs), in ancient Greek mythology, is the god of the dead and the king of the underworld with which his name became synonymous. About: Christianity broadly consists of individuals who believe in the deity Jesus Christ. reply report. The same can be said about Greek and Roman mythology stories told by many. Both Greek and Indian mythology have a Holy Trinity based on a belief in three most important Gods. They have a belief of life after death, punishment for sins, and a similar creation, that is, both religions claim that the world was created in seven days. Premium Religion Ancient Greece Christianity. In Indian mythology, although there are many gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar are considered the most important. The idea of something being created from nothing, the creation of human beings, and the disobedience of a God’s command are some of the key similarities of the Greek and Christian creation stories. Aphrodite (Venus): goddess of beauty and love. However, I Christianity ripped off Greek mythology. In general, however, in the popular piety of the Greeks, the The woman in the Christian myths led the man to sin and resulted in punishment. Similarly, the ceremonies were lead by priests. Both have similarities and differences in their religious beliefs that have been compared often and I have chosen to discuss the similarities and differences of Christianity and ancient Greek mythology. Apollo (Apollo): god of prophesy, music and poetry and knowledge. Greek Myth and the Bible. Jan 13, 2019 · In the Book of Genesis, you may remember, the patriarch Abraham was tested by God and told to sacrifice his son Isaac. The Concept of Syncretism. Feb 26, 2024 · Hades was Ancient Greece God of the Dead, King of the Underworld. Hera: The queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and childbirth. Greek mythology: Cronus, most powerful of the Titans, rebels against his father, Uranus, for the sake of pride and ambition, believing he should rule above all. Ares (Mars The Orthodox Churches are united by faith and a common approach to theology, tradition and worship. There are over a hundred different world mythologies that we know of today. Download Free PDF. There are over 4,000 religions that are currently practiced in the world. One of the more obvious points of similarity between Greek mythology and the Bible is the subject of giants. 1. Keywords: allegory, convert, dependency theory, euhemerism, heresy, mystery Feb 9, 2019 · The deities mentioned in the Book of Acts by name are Zeus, Hermes, Artemis, and the Dioskouroi. Reply. Most of celtic myth comes in the form of heroic Legends and Sagas. Neither the Greek gods nor Norse gods are perfect. Acts 14:8–13 describes an incident that supposedly occurred during Paul and Barnabas’s visit to the Greek city of Lystra in the region of Lykaonia in Asia Minor. Krishna and Achilles. Christianity: Lucifer, most powerful of the angels, rebels against his father, God, for the sake of pride and ambition, believing he should rule Comparative mythology is the comparison of myths from different cultures in an attempt to identify shared themes and characteristics. They draw on elements of Greek culture, Middle Eastern, Russian and Slavic. qh ir qf se nf ne jv bp qf cb