Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024
Also, you can draw sprites in sprite layers, but that won't work for lines. Jun 22, 2020 · GameMaker Draw failed due to invalid input layout. It includes the following three windows by default: FPS (open by default), Log, and Audio. OffsetX = x-arrowHit. Drawing. If you don’t want to draw arrows by hand – and I don’t blame you, I’m not very good at drawing either – then you can try downloading some preset GIMP arrow brushes. edit: just be sure you arrange the images in your menu sprite to correspond to your menu Draw Events. You can also use this direction. Nov 8, 2016 · arrow_1 = instance_create(rotation_center_x, rotation_center_y, obj_arrow); arrow_2 = instance_create(rotation_center_x, rotation_center_y, obj_arrow); with (arrow_2) image_angle += 180; If you want to add more animation, use the xscale and yscale properties or dynamically change the x origin in step event. If it’s completely empty for you, add a //comment. For the sprite you can use the instance variable sprite_index to get the current sprite that is assigned to the instance running the code, or you can use any other sprite asset. hitObject. x. Welcome to Hero’s Trail, a simple and fun tutorial for new GameMaker users! This series demonstrates all the amazing things you can do with GameMaker at a basic level and allows you to learn all the ins and outs of the program while developing an action-adventure game! We’ll use the Hero’s Trail template project in this part to get a Download the resources used in this coaching video: https://coal. goto_next_room(), game_end(), game_save(z_save). draw_rectangle. 4-Way and 8-Way Movement With The Keyboard. Toggle the smart guides and ruler. In this tutorial, create a quick online action game, and play it with your friends: Watch the video version here: This subreddit is dedicated to providing programmer support for the game development platform, GameMaker Studio. This region will be used for your multiplayer games, reducing lag. 5. The grey surface is the background, and the white surface is on top. The real trick here is calculating where the arrow should actually be located along the edge of the view. Otherwise, you could use a font that includes the arrow symbols and insert them into your strings in GML using "Windows key + ;" in Windows 10. But the more you play with it, the more it will learn. I cant use draw_arrow or draw_sprite function because it doesnt fit my needs. However, when using this function, only vertex and colour data are being passed in, and so the shader Each input character from a key (or multiple keys) is defined by its UTF-8 code, which is a numerical value. gamemaker. y); Jan 1, 2021 · This is the My First Arena Shooter | GML tutorial designed to get you started making your first game with GameMaker Studio 2. This function draws the given sprite and sub-image at a position within the game room. To do this, go to the "Sprites" resource and click the right mouse button and select Create : This will open the sprite editor and permit you to set the name of the sprite. Syntax: draw_text (x, y, string); Argument. 5, while an image_alpha of 0. As long as you include that glyph in your font, it will show up. May 2, 2022 · Hi, I was trying to draw a few thick lines with draw_line_width and I wanted the last one having an arrows on it's end. You might be asked to choose between GML Code and GML Visual. io/shauns-action-rpg-tutorial★ Playlist https://www. I made an inventory system a while ago which is based on a ds grid. Additionally, it displays the GameMaker version in the top-right corner, along with the version and name of the project. Since we want to draw our button to the GUI layer, leave this Draw event blank. Add a broadcast message at the playhead position. draw_button(x1,y1,x2,y2,up) Draws a button, up indicates whether up (1) or down (0). Move Towards The Mouse. Mar 7, 2018 · Hello, I am drying to draw an arrow starting at a fixed x and a fixed y of an object. But you can change then during the game. Option 2 is likely going to work best for you. 5 will draw the sprite at alpha 0. If absolute is draw_path. io/sites/5d75794b3c84c70006700381/assets/6282413834bed200134da82c/Webinar_UI. I belive you can go to your room -> settings -> instance order. Color, body_width: int = 2, head_width: int = 4, head_height: int = 2, ): """Draw an arrow between start and end with th Apr 7, 2021 · A really simple way is to use a negative value for image_xscale. GameMaker has a comprehensive selection of functions to manipulate the colour and alpha of what is drawn on the screen. Using these functions you can separate colours into their component parts, create new colours and manipulate the draw alpha to change how different things in your game are drawn together. Control + Semicolon. May 15, 2019 · Apart from the main Draw event, you also have a Draw Begin and a Draw End event also. The number to draw is taken from the current value of the local instance variable lives, which is a special variable that is created automatically within the instance if you use any of the actions that require it. Coders can take advantage of its built in scripting language, "GML" to design and create fully-featured, professional grade games. I find that it's hard to get a good example of this, just a laser that will shoot and appear as if it happened instantaneously. Click on “Add Event”, and select “Step”. However, since we will be drawing our text a letter at a time, this function causes an issue where words will start to appear on one line, then "jump" to the draw_arrow. 378 Platform: Windows This script below, I believe interferes with ANY shader when used together (could be due to old code - minor alterations from this script: Click Here) I've narrowed it Oct 22, 2020 · Below you can see a schematic image of how this is going to work: So, for example, say we want to get the amount of items in the inventory slot 3. Look at its Object Editor – specifically the “Events” window. 0. thats your basic menu. It is essentially a type of variable that can hold multiple values as a "list" -- consider the following code: Using the [item, item, item] syntax we are creating an array that is stored in a variable. Gamepad Movement. Throughout this tutorial we will build a small "arena shooter" - a top down action game with a player, some enemies and lots of bullets. Vector2, color: pygame. 5; draw_arrow(x,y,x+rt*hspeed,y+rt*vspeed,5); If you are working with a magnitude (like speed) and an angle (like Sep 13, 2019 · This video tutorial shows you how to correctly align the image angle of the arrow itself. You'll find that GameMaker is intuitive and simple to use, and even if you've never used any tools like this before you shouldn't have any problems getting started and making games after reading through the Introduction and completing the Quick Mar 17, 2023 · Method 2: Drawing Arrows in GIMP with Custom Brushes. This function is extremely useful when debugging dynamic paths (for example, those created Jun 23, 2016 · heya guys, i've been thinking about a new game with combat based primarily around dodging and whatnot, but i came across a thought. S. Please note that the line being drawn may need different values (+/-1 on the x, y) to be drawn with Aug 9, 2018 · In this video we will be looking at cursors in GameMaker Studio. These functions should only ever be used in the draw event of an instance (you can use them elsewhere but you won't see anything!) and create purely graphic effects, which means that they do not generate collision events as those can only be done through the sprite or collision mask Nov 15, 2019 · Guest!!!!! The 52nd GMC Jam will take place between May 30th, 2024 12:00 UTC - June 3rd, 2024 12:00 UTC. This subreddit is dedicated to providing programmer support for the game development platform, GameMaker Studio. 4 since 2018, so we’d recommend downloading the most recent version of GameMaker. draw_path(path,x,y,absolute) With this function you can draw the indicated path in the room with its start at position (x,y). You draw, and a neural network tries to guess what you’re drawing. A common practice is to have your basic sprite facing right (the 0* direction in GM), and flip your sprite with image_xscale = -1; to make it face to the left. Typically you'd use a combination of ord with the Mar 27, 2023 · Next, add a Draw event. The image below illustrates the order in which the events are performed: draw_triangle. From what I can tell you decrement image_index if it's less than 0, and increment it if it is greater than 3. com/playlist?list=PLPRT_JORnIuosvhfax2TQTEmN7OYTcSvK★ Supp If you draw it in the Draw Begin event, then it will draw behind everything else that is drawn in the Draw event and Draw End event. On the right, however, we have split these three lines over the three events, with the shadow code in the Draw Begin Event and the red box overlay code in the The Draw GUI layer uses a "default" camera with the upper-left corner defined as (0, 0) and looking down the Z axis. Jul 26, 2016 · Jul 26, 2016. An arrow can be dynamically drawn with draw_arrow(). This function draws either an outline of a rectangle or a filled rectangle where the (x1,y1) position is the top left corner and the (x2,y2) position is the bottom right corner. The colour settings will over-ride the base colour set with the function draw_set_colour (). This function is only for use with sprites that have been created using a skeletal animation program like Spine. GameMaker automatically draws your sprite, but you can override that behavior by creating your own Draw event. I've seen many questions about this online but there wasn't any answer to how to do it, just alternatives. I have seen lots of confusing and outright useless tutorails that c Don't worry too much about what the sprites you make look like, as even a simple white square will do, and once you've got everything ready you can start working on the examples listed below. This section of the sprite properties window deals with how GameMaker stores the images that make up your sprite on texture page s for use with devices and browsers. Read tutorials from experienced game developers and GameMaker experts. Command + Number8. Go to obj_game and open the Create event. I want the arrow to move around to the edge of the screen in relation to the direction it is facing. Why not join in this community building game jam? Nov 3, 2022 · How to Use Events in GameMaker. 343. You can also adjust the precision, or how finely drawn the functions are. An arrow can be an object whose appearance is determined by it's current sprite. A common misconception is that the animated sprite will not be animated by the draw event. These act exactly the same as a standard Draw event call (i. With this function you can draw either an outline of a triangle or a filled triangle. 481 Runtime Version: v2. and make the obj_no_weapon created first (it might be differant in gm2) D. I want to cut the white Description. draw_arrow doesn't have a width parameter for the line thickness. Vector2, end: pygame. How do I get the arrow sprite to aim left when the player is walking left? Jan 1, 2021 · The first sprite we'll make is the "ship" sprite for the player to control. Name it Brick and pick your brick image from the sprite dropdown menu. #2. With these examples - and the previous ones Jun 14, 2023 · If you haven’t used GameMaker before, you should know how to create assets. var maxHorSpeed = 10; var aimAngle = lengthdir_y(bow. Command + Semicolon. In this case we'll call it "spr_ship", as shown in the image above. Download GameMaker: Studio 1. Call this right before you destroy the arrow. Direction is one of those properties and can be used to set the direction of movement of the instance when the instance has a speed other than 0. y. Type. draw_path. Control + Number8. It is split into various separate events to better handle the different drawing requirements for your game. Oct 16, 2021 · i need to make an arrow pointer for a "golf like" game, pointing from the ball to the mouse. GameMaker has the “Asset Browser” on the right, which lists all your assets. I have a grey surface, and a white surface. mp_grid_path. 5 will draw the sprite at 0. yyz?dl=0🎉 Thanks for watching! 🎉 draw_enable_drawevent. The thing is, I am using two different sprites to make this arrow, reason being is to have a dashed arrow line behind the arrow head. obj_current_weapon is created before obj_no_weapon so the current_weapon code is executed first. Aug 11, 2017 · 1. It will display everything you want as long as it is in your font, and in the provided font range. If the waypoint moves to a negative X the arrow Nov 13, 2019 · the menu sprite itself is simple, you just have 3 images, each showing an arrow in front of each menu option. your problem is simply the order that things are created. Simply change it and it'll work. If you’re using GML Code, use draw_sprite (), and in GML Visual, use “ Draw Sprite ” to draw a sprite to the screen. Literally combine the shaders (not always a great option, especially if you didn't write the shaders in the first place) 2. Oct 18, 2017 · Hello everyone, I'd love to draw a triangle at the end of the drawn line (code below) so it follows mouse position (as the oLine does) without changing its size and shape (see picture). draw_arrow(x1,y1,x2,y2,size) Draws an arrow from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). GameMaker has a whole collection of functions available for drawing different forms and shapes. So far we have trained it on a few hundred concepts, and we hope to add more over time. Now when you're telling it to stick to x and y use these offsets. At the top you have a (+) button – click on this and a menu will open: Here, double click on the type of asset you want to create – in this tutorial we will use sprites and objects. games and sign in. Becuase if you type: (note sprite_001 would be replaced by the name of your sprite. The Debug Overlay is an in-game overlay that displays various realtime debug information about your game. This is a game built with machine learning. Did you know we can change the default cursor? Or hide the cursor completely? How about maki Jul 2, 2016 · Nov 3, 2016. With this function you can draw a line of a specific width with the colour blended between colour 1 at the first point and colour 2 at the second point. For example, the green arrow in this screenshot is what I'm trying to achieve…. Learn how to make a game with our free game engine for beginners and professionals alike. The x coordinate of Let’s make three game objects: Brick, Ball and Logic (for keeping score and playing music). 2. zipCr This action will draw a sprite to represent each of the lives the instance currently have. This is the vector "a" which is equal to 5 and if we draw another arrow starting at the 5 and ending at the 8 we have vector "b" which is equal to 3: Also note that when an instance is default drawing (ie: it has a sprite but no Draw Event), then the image_alpha variable will be clamped to the alpha set with draw_set_alpha(), such that an image_alpha of 1 and a draw alpha of 0. The items stored in an array can later be accessed through Aug 27, 2020 · Now, GameMaker Studio 2 has a GML function draw_text_ext that can be used to automatically wrap text when it overflows a given length, and in many cases that will be perfectly fine to use. Re-Edited post to get to the point. For desktop platforms this may not be too important, but when you start to develop for mobile or web the proper management of your image assets (textures) becomes very important as poorly managed textures can have detrimental May 15, 2019 · On the left, we have each instance at the same depth and only use the standard Draw event, with three lines of code for drawing the shadow, the sprite, and the red box overlay effect. x,bow. Draw Value. With this action you can draw a string caption and/or a variable or value to the screen. Drawing Arrows. If you're drawing the model in world space it'll likely be somewhere off in the distance. You give the sprite to draw for the lives Oct 5, 2016 · Yes you can: Code: draw_sprite_ext(mask_index,0,x,y,1,1,0,c_aqua,0. not even the draw_sprite_stretched_ext can rotate the sprite drawn; i tried to create an instance with that sprite You'll need to determine the x and y it lands at when its destroyed, and the distance it is from the rocks x/y. Hi, I'm trying to draw a 3d Model on the GUI layer. All instances in GameMaker have certain "built in" properties that you can use and set to govern how they look and behave. size indicates the size of the arrow in pixels. This example includes; Firing a laser from the player - and the use of a "do" loop, and lengthdir_x/y. Jun 30, 2022 · First, go to GX. Nov 6, 2018 · Nov 6, 2018. The same goes for the sub-image, as this can also be set to the This subreddit is dedicated to providing programmer support for the game development platform, GameMaker Studio. GameMaker Studio 2 Version 2. Surface, start: pygame. so, i'm trying to draw a sprite strething and rotating it at the same time, but it seems like there isn't any function that can do this. The caption argument is a string that you wish to add preceding the value, and can be left blank if required but if you wish to include text it should be wrapped in quotes, and the value can be a variable, a fixed value, or another string - in Mar 5, 2019 · Create four sprites of appropriate size with the arrows. The Draw event is just like the Step event, except it lets you draw on the screen. NOTE For blending images using special Example. Go to Resources > Create Object. com/s/p6hh8b1z1mgd03o/MT-flash-video. x,target. The arrow keys worked for a bit and then I ran it again and it stopped working. This section is the obligatory first stop for using GameMaker and getting to grips with the contents of the IDE and how it works. Make Your Own Arcade Space Shooter. Game Maker logic is event driven, so you have to tie actions to different events like collisions, timers, clicks, etc. While you can draw these sprites using the normal draw functions (like draw_self () ), there are times when you may want to draw a single frame or show a change of skin texture without actually changing the sprite Let's start by looking at a 1 dimensional vector - which is just the same as a single number - by drawing a numbered line with an arrow starting at zero and ending at 5. Getting Started. Also, its important to know that when you use the draw event, the object calling it isn't drawn itself Use the string function to convert real numbers into text for drawing and + to combine strings. With this function you can choose to enable ( true) or disable ( false) the draw event for all instances in the game, thus giving you control over how and when things are drawn, which is useful if you wish to implement a "frame skip" technique. The amount to be displayed is a percentage value that falls within the range Sep 13, 2021 · I am making a 2d platform shooter. I'm having issues with draw_text () not displaying any sort of text in multiple objects. This is an essential asset for any GameMaker developer! @tehwave. 25 and a draw alpha of 0. This function will draw text in a similar way to draw_text() only now you can choose to scale the text along the horizontal or vertical axis (effectively stretching or shrinking it) and also have GameMaker draw it at an angle (where 0 is normal and every degree over 0 rotates the text anti-clockwise). GameMaker Studio is designed to make developing games fun and easy. for each menu_choice action in the selector keypress event, you can plug in whatever you want. For desktop platforms this may not be too important, but when you start to develop for mobile or web the proper management of your image assets (textures) becomes very important as poorly managed textures can have detrimental Toggle between play and pause if the current editor has play controls. Hey guys! Jul 21, 2023 · In your object, add the Draw event. Perhaps you mean the opposite comparisons, so that you decrement if it is greater than 0, and Mar 24, 2019 · Mar 24, 2019. : they will draw whatever you put in them every step of the game and for all views), but they do not "default draw" anything if not added to an object, and they will always run before/after the standard Draw event their name implies. And the character shoots arrows, but the arrow sprite is only pointed straight ahead (right) no matter which direction the character is looking. This function draws the sprite assigned to the instance exactly as it would be drawn if the draw event held no code or actions, and will reflect and changes that have been made to the sprite variables in other events. NOTE: If the instance has no sprite assigned to it, this function will throw an error! Syntax: draw_self (); Returns: The actual game happens in a window. mp_grid_draw. Another solution is to create an object in a different layer, then draw the line using Jan 12, 2017 · However, I want to draw text, which I already know how to do , but I also want to manipulate the size of the font. itch. Normally these are set in the Game Settings. went for something like-. The final game will look something like this: draw_self. Note that directions in GameMaker are usually calculated as 0 draw_text_transformed. Aug 8, 2020 · Hi all, Is it possible to use draw_set_blend_mode(bm_subtract) to create a non-rectangular mask on a surface? Here is an example of what I'm trying to do. Draw Curves is a set of scripts that allows you do draw parts of shapes and functions. is there a way to draw and arrow based off a location(x,y) and have it drawn depending on direction and length? for example, an arrow should be drawn directed at draw_arrow. Arrays. Then just use the arcsin function to get a value from 0/1 and multiply for the max speed. ) draw_sprite (sprite_001, 0, this. We would access the array using the following syntax: amount = inventory_array[2][2] Array slots are always counted from 0, so slot 3 in the inventory is slot 2 of the array, and it holds another Jun 1, 2022 · Member. NOTE If you want to draw a shape using a shader, you should be aware that most shaders expect the following inputs: vertex, texture, colour. This window has a number of properties, like whether it has a border, whether it is full screen, etc. Please note that the rectangle being drawn may need different values (+/-1 on the x, y, or width or height) to be drawn with the desired dimensions due This section of the sprite properties window deals with how GameMaker stores the images that make up your sprite on texture page s for use with devices and browsers. OffsetY = y-arrowHit. about as fancy as you want it. Apr 16, 2021 · ★ Source Code https://shaunjs. ). So i used draw_sprite_part to draw half of a sprite, and i want to draw the rest of the sprite at a greater depth. Gamemaker Studio 2 IDE version: v2. I tried with draw_sprite_part (2nd half properties) {depth = 11} but when i run the game, the whole sprite Sep 18, 2018 · 📝 Project Download: https://www. Of course, it doesn’t always work. Basically the goal is to press a button and you will scroll through your items in the inventory without opening it up. Jun 30, 2022 · Create your next big game with GameMaker’s built-in multiplayer. I'm currently developing an Adventure Horror game (think Mad Father, Corpse Party or Ao Oni) and I'm having trouble implementing a dialogue box. e. The Debug Overlay. The path will be drawn as a simple line, and can be either relative to the calling instance or at the absolute position it was created at in the path editor or through code. Preset brushes act sort of like “stamps” that you can repeatedly use in any situation. Then, when your code notices it needs to display an arrow key (vk_up, vk_right, vk_down or vk_left) instead of drawing a letter, draw a sprite with the correct arrow instead. With this function you can get GameMaker to draw a path to the screen. Back in GameMaker, let’s disable offline testing. 5); obviously changing the parameters as need be, and ensuring you have actually set your object's mask_index. dropbox. This function will draw the specified MP grid (as defined by mp_grid_create()), marking free cells as green and forbidden cells as red. Here is what you can draw: You can also fill in the circle and ellipse parts, or you can adjust the line width of them (and adjust the line width of the functions). Draw a highly customizable sprite-based shadow with these simple scripts! This asset contains multiple scripts, with each script being unique and capable of multiple ways to customize the shadow, such as length, direction, xscale, yscale, angle, color, and alpha. Arrays can be extremely useful and are an essential part of making games. In your Asset Browser, double-click on obj_player. import pygame def draw_arrow( surface: pygame. draw_sprite. #12. x, this. IE if the waypoint you need to get to is in a positive X direction, the arrow will slide all the way to the right side of the camera. We haven’t released an update for Version 1. The following functions exist for this: window_set_visible (visible) Sets whether the game window is visible. Click to expand actually not what I was looking for, but it got me to what I needed, and that's drawing the bbox of the sprite. I recently needed to draw an arrow for one of my projects and thought the function could be helpful for other people. If it is between 0 and 3, nothing will happen. : sorry for bad english @Jakylgamer: Thankyou! With few tweaks, it worked perfectly! Feb 17, 2022 · Im tryign to make a sort of waypoint or guide arrow in game. 4 article. The stem of the arrow is drawn along these points with the actual arrow head being drawn at the end, where the size of the arrowhead is defined by the argument "size" and is calculated as being part of the stem so that the end point is always aligned with the position defined by x2,y2. Make sure the event has at least one comment, which it does by default. The Draw event category is the one that has all the events that govern what you see on the screen when you run your game. Note that this doesn't just prevent instances drawing to the screen, it draw_skeleton. This simple to use script gives you a simple effect of trail following an object movements, you can set its length, width, color and texture, giving you basic control over the effect. Once you’re in the event, you can draw a sprite with a function. On pressing the “up arrow” key, we want to push the player ship forward. This function will draw an arrow from point (x1,y1) to point (x2,y2). y); it draws only one sprite subimage number 0. #1. y,target. This value can be retrieved for any character using the ord function but, GameMaker also has a series of constants for the most used keyboard special keys and a special functions. Which version of GameMaker is right for me? Here’s a small breakdown of the different versions of GameMaker and their key benefits: . Basic Forms. An arrow can be drawn dynamically with a combination of draw_triangle() and draw_rectangle(). 4 . Find out more in our GameMaker: Studio 1. It all works well and now I decided to add a quick assign of my "equipped item". How could I draw an arrow with a thick line? P. There are many ways to draw arrows. End User Licence Agreement (EULA). Click here to see the drawing order in GameMaker. A value of -1 will flip it horizontally, giving the impression of facing the opposite direction. I started by following Michael Van Diest's Advanced Jul 24, 2016 · In the first case, we can draw such vector as follows: draw_arrow(x,y,x+hspeed,y+vspeed,5); You can multiply hspeed and vspeed for a given constant if you want arrows to be drawn longer, depending on speed values: var rt = 2. This function is essential as a debug tool but it should be noted that it is very slow and only works when used in the draw event of the instance, and that you can set the draw alpha to change the opacity of the grid, permitting you to draw it as Jan 13, 2023 · GameMaker Draw Order and Depth/Z in 3D reversed Hey hi, I'm really confused: I have a few layers (background and instance layers) and a 3D camera setup but the draw order and depth are reversed! For example: layer A: depth 0 gets drawn over everything, is the farthest away layer B: depth 100 gets drawn in the middle, is in the middle May 1, 2021 · The arrow speed should be max speed when the sin angle is 90° and close to 0 when sin angle is 0. youtube. draw_sprite(spr_icon, 0, x, y); In this function, you tell GameMaker four things: The sprite you want to draw. Use "\n" within a string to add a line break so it is drawn over multiple lines (for information on how to properly format a string and what escape characters you can use, please see the Strings page). Advanced 8-Way Movement. There are a great number of different functions for drawing, and they are split over the following categories to make it easier to find what you need: Jun 27, 2023 · GML Navigating through a ds grid. The xstart and ystart arguments indicate the start of the path in room coordinates, while xgoal, ygoal arguments This subreddit is dedicated to providing programmer support for the game development platform, GameMaker Studio. With this action you can draw a coloured bar to show a graphic representation of the instance variable health (when you use any "health" action in GameMaker the instance that calls it will have a new instance scope variable called health added). This section contains all the functions related to drawing within the game room, as well as for controlling how things will be drawn (blending, alpha, culling, etc. arrowHit. Draw Instance Health. With this function you can create a path that will navigate from a start point to a finish point using an mp_grid that you have previously defined, avoiding any obstacles that have already been added into the grid. Draw the content with one shader to a surface, then draw that surface to the screen with another shader. The Laser colliding with a wall or enemy. I know all of the font functions like color and draw, however, is there a way to size the font? I know it will only draw basic fonts from the computer unless I include a font which needs permission from the font owner. It isn't drawing on screen because you are drawing in the Step Event, while drawing functions will only work in the Draw Event. Arrow as a Here's a method that will draw an arrow on the edge of the screen, pointing in the direction of an item (if it is not within view). Go into your profile settings and change the “Default region” to your closest region. An arrow can be a sprite drawn with draw_sprite(). Sequence Editor. jf op al sp hq li br ew mo ly