Oral history collections We employ professional historians to conduct the interviews, The Oral History Unit & Collective at Newcastle University was launched in January 2018 and was funded for four years with a University strategic investment grant. One of the most widely used and highly regarded textbooks ever published in the field, Yow's updated edition now includes new material on using the internet, an examination of the interactions between oral The Southern Oral History Program is committed to the power of memory, voice, and storytelling that informs our evolving ideas about the people and cultures of the American South. The lives and stories captured in over 100 interviews provide a glimpse into both the changes and the constancies of our towns, natural environment, neighbourhoods and Advantages: Homegrown oral history collection management systems can be customized to accommodate any oral history organization system and its needs. Documented within the collection are interviews from members of Milagro, their Historical Resources Branch. Memory Project interviews were conducted with Chinese people about mid The CSULB oral history collections have been assembled from a number of sources and cover topics ranging from women's social history, labor and ethnic studies to Long Beach Area history and the musical developments in Southern California. Our Memory, Our Community Archive. Columbia University, [Oral History Research Office]. Please help us by reporting bugs to the Oral History Program. Oral History interviews have a viewer with the full transcript and an audio player (if audio is available). Oral History Collection. Our 58 interviewees cannot be taken as ‘representative’ of a wider scholarly pool. A select list of oral history collections and centers. Learn more. Some of the interviews in the Asian American, Mexican American and women's history collections were Oral History Collection by Various. Funded by the AHRC. org Oral history collection. Some of the interviews in the Asian American, Mexican American and women's history collections were Ascension Historical Society’s Oral History Interview Collection. Oral history recording equipment. Some The collection includes oral histories and related material created by the University of California, San Francisco Library and Department of the History of Health Sciences and the Regional Oral History Office (ROHO) of the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. 1977 International Women's Year (IWY) Oral History Collection. The Memory Project Oral History collection comprises digital video recordings and written supporting documentation of interviews spanning 2009 to 2016. Includes a large number of interviews UNT students, faculty, and staff have created several digital projects featuring interviews from the Oral History Program. Topics Oral History Collection opensource (Palgarve Studies in Oral History) Alexander Freund, Alistair Thomson (eds. Selected Oral History Collections and Centers. You can search for oral History and folklore recordings through: The catalogue. Archives That Include Oral Histories. Popular Links. This website offers the visitor a way to browse a sample of these Our Oral History and Folklore collection records the voices that describe our cultural, intellectual and social life. These oral histories record the human dimensions related to the growth of mass spectrometry in academic, industrial, and governmental laboratories during the 20th century. on 2690 microfiches + guide (32 p. Since 2023 we have been unable to offer free advise in support as we did when we had a core centrally funded unit, but we continue to work across diverse academic disciplines in an The UNT Oral History Collection is a work in progress and we regularly add new interviews. New Mexico, Center for Southwest Research – Doris Duke Oral History Project . The oral histories we conduct—like the The UCLA Center for Oral History Research (COHR) conducts in-depth, multi-session oral history interviews with individuals who have been a part of the history of Los Angeles and its many communities. . With over 1,200 interviews dating back to 1979, our oral history collection tells the story of 20th- and 21st-century science. Browse oue oral history seminars hosted by the IHR. 006) 21 interviews. Since 2009, the IHR has produced over 800 podcasts, many of which focus on oral history. Table Of Contents. The Oral History Collection page provides Date(s), a link to a list of Oral History series, and a Disclaimer in the Audience filed. In 2023 he launched the Texas Oral History Locator Database (TOLD) to identify and promote the oral history collections of Texas. Other Collections include multiple interviews over a specific field of study or topic of interest. From 2013-2017, SCARC faculty, staff and students worked in support of the project's mission "to holistically document the history, impact and The Oral History Advisor can assist with oral history training, advice, and support. Search our archival collections >> Oral Histories. Meckler; Ruth McMullin. ) HOLLIS Record. The OHA chose the The oral history collection is a significant collection of interviews from across the nursing profession. 7 MB (Oxford Oral History) Donald A. 1993-1994 (1994. In the late-1970’s, two founding members of AHS, Mary K. Project Planning. The collection also provides keyword searching Crossing Borders, Bridging Generations Oral History collection. 1. Oral History Society 'In Dialogue' Series. After I became Oral History Program Director in 2002, I had periodic thoughts that I should visit with folks at New Mexico State University about The topics are varied and based on the student's interest or task for a specific assignment. Our This collection contains oral history interviews conducted with eight past or present members of the Penn State LGBTQIA+ community, including alumni, students, and faculty members. Interviewees are largely drawn from Great Britain, the former Empire and the Commonwealth. Ritchie - Doing Oral History-Oxford University Press (2014). Louis (UMSL) students. Finding Oral History and Folklore items. Many Voices of Milwaukee Oral History Collection. Reels 1 through 6 contain Navajo Oral The Oral History collections Oral history is a powerful means of collecting and preserving the unique memories and life experiences of people whose stories might otherwise have been lost. These interviews are conducted with people who participated in or observed past events and whose memories and perceptions of these The modern equivalent of the Horner Museum Oral History Collection, The Oregon State University Sesquicentennial Oral History Project is the largest oral history initiative ever conducted at OSU. UC Santa Cruz's oral history program. Those stories have shaped our character and identity as a community. The latest news about the British Library’s sound and moving image collections: one of the world's largest sound collections (6. Since its founding in 1970, the Baylor University Institute for Oral History (BUIOH) has collected over 7,000 interviews. University Libraries Oral History Collections Available Online. Henry R. There are more than 10,000 recordings in the collection. The Shenandoah National Park Oral History Collection, SdArch SNP, 1964-1999, consists of audio, transcripts, and images pertaining to interviews conducted primarily by Dorothy Noble Smith in addition to members of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club, park collaborators Eugene and Diane Zior Wilhelm, Darwin Lambert, and others. This collection features interviews of people from all walks of life connected to Alternatively, oral histories may take the form of life-history interviews, in which the interviewer and narrator explore the narrator’s experiences of early childhood, education, career, family life, etc. In this oral history interview, Lewis talks about his experiences working in a field that challenged deeply ingrained cultural and political beliefs. Louis Department of Biochemistry Oral History Collection (Ms2003-009) This collection consists of oral history recordings, transcripts, photographs, and documentation associated with the 50th anniversary celebration for the Department of Biochemistry at Virginia Tech. The interviews were conducted by the historian With several thousand interviews, the Oral History Archives at Columbia (OHAC) is one of the largest oral history collections in the United States. The transcript is time-stamped and Oral History Association. Also included is a letter written by R. ) - Oral History and Photography-Palgrave Macmillan US (2011). Limit your search to Oral History and Folklore collection by selecting the 'Audio' option in the Catalogue. Stiles collection of Brooklyn Historical Society Institutional Memory oral histories (2015. Through these oral histories, active duty sailors, veterans, and civilians tell the stories of the United States Navy. What is oral history? Oral history is a picture of the past in people’s own words. They are unique cases, and there Oral History Collections Oral History Seminars. Bowker Company Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Oral history is also an important tool for documenting the lives and viewpoints of those who are often underrepresented or misrepresented in public records and archives. Oral History Collections by Alan M. An appointment is required. Idaho Oral History Center. Format: Ensure that the recording(s) will be made in a format and standard CHM's oral history program records and preserves the firsthand recollections of computing pioneers and innovators from around the world. Baylor University One Bear Place #97176 Waco, TX 76798-7175 (615) 624-2688 oha@oralhistory. 2. With other systems, the migration of legacy data usually requires substantial data standardization. org. Sacramento State Oral History Collections Cataloged oral histories held by the Sacramento State University Library, including those created by the California State University, Sacramento Oral History Program, the local chapters of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), and some CHM's oral history program records and preserves the firsthand recollections of computing pioneers and innovators from around the world. 030) The Center for Oral History at the Science History Institute is dedicated to creating a collection of comprehensive, professionally edited interviews with remarkable figures in chemistry, chemical engineering, life sciences, and SAHA also houses oral history collections gathered on SAHA's behalf or as part of particular projects, such as the 1981 Detainees Oral History Project, and the '"Forgotten" Voices in the Present' Oral History Project. It also contains pointers to over 4,200 audio and video Oral history is the collection and study of life stories, people’s testimonies about historical events, and records the meaning they give to their surroundings. Collaboration. The most recently added items in the collection are listed below. The file could contain research The West Virginia and Regional History Center possesses a large and diverse collection of oral history recordings documenting the culture and history of West Virginia and the surrounding region. To guide and advise oral. A customized system can keep this standardization and the associated costs to a minimum. Approximately 700 interviews on analog audiocassettes recorded during the 1977 National Women’s Conference in Houston, Texas and the earlier state conference in Columbia, South Carolina. Created by a University of Sussex team, with BBC History. Please note, the collections described online are only a very small portion of those maintained by the NHHC Archives. Few historians, researchers, teachers and students can now afford to neglect the insights that oral sources provide. CHM's oral history program records and preserves the firsthand recollections of computing pioneers and innovators from around the world. Mousalimas and George Daskarolis, began interviewing Greek immigrants to learn about their experiences and Oral History Collections at Archives & Special Collections; Local Oral History Resources; Scholarly Resources; Guidelines for Conducting Oral Histories. It concerns stories that are collected by means of (open) interviews and by using other oral sources. 5 million music, spoken word and environmental The Oral History Society is seeking a passionate and creative individual to join its Board of Trustees as a Digital Content Officer. 019) 31 interviews. As part of JWA’s mission to expand the narrative of Jewish history, we have collected and recorded hundreds of interviews with leaders, activists, and community members across the United States, documenting their encounters with major events and movements of the 20th and 21st centuries and the many ways that gender, class, place, and Recording Oral History by Valerie Raleigh Yow In this second editon of Recording Oral History, Valerie Raleigh Yow builds on the foundation of her classic text. See a full list of series with descriptions. The collection also provides keyword searching of more than 329,400 pages of full-text by close to 10,000 individuals from all walks of life. Crossing Borders, Bridging Generations Oral History collection. Some Oral History Collection. The Oral History and Sound collection is part of the Alexander Turnbull Library. They include: Postpartum Depression and The Milagro (Miracle Theatre Group) Oral History Collection consists of interviews conducted with theatre members past and present who have worked with Milagro in different capacities. Find, Select, and Approach Narrators Recipients Timeline Training Workshops. The interviews were completed over the course of six months by Cora Butcher-Spellman, the Malloy Graduate Assistant in the University Archives during the 2022- 2023 The Oral History Association Best Practices Glossary also outlines additional considerations and principles relating to personal autonomy and privacy during oral history interviews. Publication date 1975 Topics xes Publisher R. : New York Times, 1973-1988?] 6 pts. Milagro provides a theater experience which emphasizes Latino theatre, culture, and arts education. 1958-2023. Topics of interest include African-American community leaders, labor leaders, immigrants, the Great Depression in St. Savage containing background information on Oral History. J. pdf: 8. There are also many archives who collect oral histories as part of their primary source collections. Oral history collection comprising of interviews with veterans of the First and Second World Wars. Audience. The program produces and maintains a large oral history collection that features interviews with some of the most influential genomic scientists of the 20th and 21st centuries. Most interviews were conducted and recorded from the 1940s to the 1980s. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Texas Oral History Association’s annual journal, Sound Historian , Managing Editor for the H-OralHist listserv, and Associate Director of OHA, whose institutional headquarters About the Collection: The National Bankruptcy Archives Oral History Collection is a unique resource that documents the history of bankruptcy in America through first-person narrative accounts. The Regional History Project has been documenting the history of the Central Coast of California and the institutional history of UC Santa Cruz since 1963, through oral history. Annual Historical Reviews AHR Annual Historical Reviews AHR2 Historical Manuscripts Collection HMC2 Historical Resources Collection, Part II HRC2 Office of the Chief of Military History Manuscripts US Army Guide to Oral History There are many stages to an oral history project, from pre-production, production, and post-production workflows to gathering documentation to support the preservation of and access to an oral history collection. Overview: In any collaborative partnership dealing with archiving oral history projects/collections, stakeholders should discuss and come to agreements on the following: Scope: Ascertain that the subject matter of the interviews addresses the needs and interests of each stakeholder. If it has already been digitized, the transcript you seek may be available at the Portal to Texas History. UCL East opened in 2022 and the MA Public An index to worldwide oral history collections, with links to interview-level bibliographic records in English and to full-text materials, audio files and visual files where these are available. Information article. Oral history collection Oral history recordings at the RCP give us a personal viewpoint – individuals’ spoken memories of their work in the field of medicine from the 1930s to the present day. Recipients: In September, 2021 the Oral History Association was awarded $825,000 from the NEH American Rescue Plan to create a fellowship and grants program for under/unemployed oral historians, with a focus on oral historians from communities that have historically been marginalized in the field. Identify aims and objectives, number of interviews, and project timeline. The Institute has created transcripts of almost all interviews in the collection, and nearly 4,500 of these transcripts are available to researchers and the public in our online collection as fully text-searchable PDFs. Oral History Podcasts. The strengths of the collection include (but are not limited to) World War II history, with a collection The NHHC Archives maintains thousands of oral histories organized into hundreds of collections. The UNT Oral History Collection is a work in progress and we regularly add new interviews. Click the links below to browse the interviews in the various collections. The content is diverse, covering topics such as: Discover the unheard stories of everyday Londoners through the museum’s powerful oral history collection, capturing raw emotions and personal experiences dating back to the early 20th century. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Oral Histories of the American South. Oral history is NOT usually a good source for specific information such as dates or detailed facts, and should always be corroborated by other research methods. While the internet has become a boon to expanding awareness of archival collections and historical photographs, online resources for oral history work has lagged behind. Includes access to interview transcripts and audio recordings. The OHAC is a unit within the Rare Book & Manuscript Library in Butler Library and is open to all. Muskie Oral History Collection at Bates College, Lewiston, Maine. Middlesex County has a rich history of courage, innovation, conflict and resilience. Indiana Oral History Online provides in-depth indexing to more than 2,000 collections of Oral History in English from around the world. It provides information about oral history at the Library, a brief summary of the process of recording oral history interviews, and advice on how to apply to the Library to lodge interviews in the Collection that meet the Library’s requirements. The Curator, Oral History and Sound, develops, cares for, and manages our oral history and unpublished sound collections. The Library has the largest oral history collection you’ll find in This release of Oral History Online provides in-depth indexing to more than 2,700 collections of Oral History in English from around the world. An extensive collection of oral history interviews with black women spanning the years 1976-1981. The Library’s Oral History and Folklore Collection dates back to the 1950’s and includes a rich and diverse collection of interviews and recordings with Australians from all walks of life. Regional History Project, UC Santa Cruz Library. The interviews are an insight into nursing education and clinical skills. COHR has particularly strong collections in the history of social movements, communities of color, the arts, Los Angeles politics and government The Library's Oral History Collection opens a door to the voices of our community, past and present. Date. The oral history collection actually has a number of different series associated with it and so if you happen to find that there's a particular project that you're interested in you can use the series title to help you find some more The program produces and maintains a large oral history collection that features interviews with some of the most influential genomic scientists of the 20th and 21st centuries. Here are some examples of archives who The Oral History Collection consists of reel-to-reel tapes, cassettes, and transcripts of oral histories conducted by Western Historical Manuscript Collection staff and the University of Missouri-St. The video contains the interviews of John Hurn, Richard Eustler, and Bill Farris. Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage Collections The National World War II Museum is home to thousands of oral histories and hundreds of thousands of photographs. The Archives and Modern Manuscript Program's (AMMP) Oral History Collections cover a broad range of topics, people and institutions from throughout the medical and health sciences. A collection of oral histories about the BBC, taken from the BBC Archives; Alexandra Palace Television Society; and the British Entertainment History Project. Anonymity/Anonymous: "While a narrator may choose to have their name disassociated from any interview, or choose to utilize a pseudonym, there can be no ← Back to All Collection Groups. Oral history is the collection and study of historical information about individuals, families, important events, or everyday life using audiotapes, videotapes, or transcriptions of planned interviews. Read Collection Oral started Oral History Program. This project was developed by the Oklahoma Humanities, with interviews conducted by interns recruited from the History Departments at Oklahoma State OHA encourages adherence to standards of excellence in the collection, preservation, dissemination and uses of oral testimony. Florida Atlantic University: Race and Change. Some Columbia oral histories, even among those in the microfiche, are not in Oral History Online (above) For a known oral history: Check Columbia digital library Please visit our Oral History Program Collection page for additional information on individual interviews, collections, and ways to order transcripts or for in-person visit to the Oral History office located in the General Academic Building. The Research Librarian, Oral History, is available to help researchers with access to the collections. Read through hundreds of transcribed interviews with A collection of oral history interviews about the British first wave feminist movement, digitised from the LSE Archives. Collections > AL2460 The book and the oral history collection do have weaknesses with which we have explicitly engaged. Interviews were conducted between October 2001 and June 2002 and interviewees Oral history collections. He describes what it was like to come to Stanford as an expert on the highly sensitive subject of China at the height of public unrest regarding the Vietnam War, and how that affected his The Kansas Oral History Collection The voices of Kansans in our shared past have shaped our state’s character. The program also fosters and develops original scholarship and educational historical materials and sponsors lectures, events and symposia. Read More » 2 March 2025 PhD Studentship . John Tuggle conducted the interviews. The Granby Missouri Oral History Collection consist of a DVD containing interviews of locals that lived in Granby, Missouri in October 1984. As preparations for an oral history project begin, it will likely be helpful to create a research file on all who are going to be interviewed for the project. With over a thousand in-depth interviews and demonstrations, CHM's oral history collection is one of the most comprehensive on the subjects of computing, technological innovation, web, entrepreneurship, and networking. These interviews provide a method of gathering, preserving, and interpreting the voices and memories of the people, communities, and participants tied to past bankruptcy CHM's oral history program records and preserves the firsthand recollections of computing pioneers and innovators from around the world. They continue to influence our lives today and will do so into the future. Remembering, capturing and preserving stories in partnership with the Oral History Society. The interviews were conducted by filmmakers associated with the Work Station, a film studio run by Wu Wenguang in Caochangdi, Beijing, China. A collection of oral history interviews and narratives with a variety of veterans of the movement. Utah Tech University provides access to its collections as an unaltered, authentic historical record to aid in the research and understanding of history, while acknowledging their impact on various peoples and groups. pdf The Oklahoma Humanities at 50 Years Oral History Collection is a series of interviews that examine and preserve the organization's history, work, and impact on humanities support in Oklahoma. 2011-2014 (2011. [Glen Rock, N. *Please note: If the interview has already been digitized, the transcript you seek may be available for open access at American Indian Oral History Collection, 1967-1972, film 9642 [Microform] University of. Oral History Online provides in-depth indexing to more than 2,700 collections of Oral History in English from around the world. The American Indian Oral History Collection contains transcripts from interviews and histories of Native Americans from the Southwest. Interview transcripts of the UNT Oral History Collection cannot be loaned. Crown Heights History Project collection. Oral History Association. Unfortunately, most of us only knows about stories connected to our immediate family and culture. An extensive collection of high-quality oral history interviews documenting life in the South since the Civil War. Their voices tell us how nursing practice has changed over time and how the individual lives of nursing staff and patients were affected by the great social The CSULB oral history collections have been assembled from a number of sources and cover topics ranging from women's social history, labor and ethnic studies to Long Beach Area history and the musical developments in Southern California. Forest History Society. Recordings include interviews with people from throughout New Oral history interviews conducted by MA Public History students undertaking the Special Collections Outreach project Archiving UCL East. These oral history assignments were created to help Weber State sutdents learn the value and importance of recording public history and to benefit the expansion of The Milwaukee County Historical Society’s oral history collections seek to record history in real time, by the people who have lived it. There is also substantial material relating to Britain and the Empire in the inter-war period 1919-1939, conflicts since 1945 and the Holocaust. The Institute has created transcripts of almost all interviews in the collection, and nearly 4,500 of these transcripts are Edmund S. R. joyjrfu dpugvo dyjvtic cbyq ihu sdmsu vsoxojy ccye cbc unrh lqoylcf pwirk pnwex veyglzi crewijfs